Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28th, 2010 and WTH???

 This is what was on my front porch when I got up at 5:30 this morning:

When I left the house at 7:30 there was two feet on the ground. What you see on the front porch has the additional roof snow that slid off. Hearing it thumpalump from the roof to the ground had me in bed wide awake way before I needed to wake up. Frankly this sucks, but our forecast has 60s tomorrow and 80's Saturday. Go figure!

Because of the light shining thru the window I can't get a good head on picture of my curtains. I think I will have to try at night. I wa able to get a pic I took at an angle while standing in the tub. I did a contour tieback and put the tassels on the the screw eyes to cover them up. I like it. I have major houseguests  for the next 5 days so won't get back to the sewing for a bit, but when I do I am all done the "colorful" top except for some buttons and next in the queue is a smocked insert for the little blue dress. Here's a closeup of the tieback:


I will leave you with a pic I took out of the front door a few nights ago when we were having a beautiful sunset......Bunny


  1. that is unbelievable that you would have 80's weather anytime soon with that snowfall!!! Are you sure you don't live in the south, where they say if you don't like the weather, wait an hour!!!! LOL
    And what a gorgeous sunset!!

  2. Totally some crazy weather! I love your curtains. Again - you are so mutlti-talented.

  3. Curtains look great. And I can't believe that snow!

  4. I heard about this on the news this morning but didn't realize that it landed in populated areas. I thought there was that much snow on the mountain tops! AMAZING!!!

    The curtains are pretty amazing too!

  5. Oh my gorsh, I would just panic if I woke up and saw that snow!

    I do love your drapes, the colors along with the wall color wow, just beautiful.

    Now, the sunset, doesn't that just make you feel like everything is going to be alright, the right person is in control after all.


  6. And I thought Michigan was unpredictable! Glad to hear you'll be thawed out by the weekend! Your picture of the sunset is amazing!!!

  7. We had snow today too but you win! You have WAYYYYYYY more snow than we have left on the ground. We need some sunny weather. Your curtains are lovely Bunny!

  8. Reminds me of Ohio's weather! :/

    ♥ the new curtains...GREAT job, Bunny!

    Enjoy your company.


  9. I live in the Great White North and haven't seen snow like that in months! Loving your blog, your tutorials & inspiration!

  10. Carolyn, you are too funny. I don't live in a really populated area. Our little village consists of 352 people, many of whom are seasonal. You big city girls just make me smile. ;)

  11. Wow! I am astounded by all of that snow. We are wearing shorts here in southeast Texas.

    Love your curtains.

  12. Oh Ugh!!!! I was out hiking on the highest point in Oklahoma (OK, it's not the Rocky Mts, but it IS high!), and had this front come through and it was really windy and then got stormy - by then we were off the "high point" (see I didn't say mountain), but the next day was beautiful, but very cold! Later they had a freeze warning and more snow! Will it ever end! I'm wearing bright colors and bold prints and freezing, but will not give into witner!

  13. UGH! We just had a dusting, but the mountains got over 10". Just when we thought it was spring . . .


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