Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Freaky Accident - Warning, Graphic!

If you are squeamish, now is the time to go read a different blog. If you are curious, read on but don't say I didn't warn you.
DH goes to bed with his heavy duty ear plugs at 8:00pm and gets up at 5:00. I go to bed around 11:00pm and get up around 7:00. This is our habit. We like a dark bedroom. The shades are drawn, the lights are all out, and the door is shut. I entered the bedroom as I have done a million times and shut the door behind me. It was pitch dark but I knew by heart where everything was. Off  came the top. Off came the bottom. All that was left were the socks, those tight wooly support ones DD gave me. I tried to rub them off with my toes and that wasn't working. So, all naked, I bent down to pull them off. I didn't see the corner of my bureau and hit it full bore. I mean see stars, howl with pain,  totally disoriented and can't get my bearings full bore. I feel like I am going to throw up my soul. I am yelling for my husband but he is sleeping through all this which I just can't believe. I managed to make it around the bed to him but was too weak to beat him awake. I made a decision to leave him be and head to the freezer for an ice pack. Nausea continued. I sat with the ice pack on my cheek till midnight but I had a feeling this was  bad. I went in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Dear Lord almighty, what  a mess. I now had a headache, still nausea, and took my ice pack and went to bed with thoughts of should I sleep or not. I wanted to sleep despite the pain.

Around 5:00AM I awoke with an incredible headache, continued nausea and DH rummaging around getting ready for work. I got up to see him and he was in total shock. He asked me what the hell happened last night and I found great difficulty putting my words together. I told him to just get a bucket so I could throw up. In a moment or two we both looked in the mirror and I am not exaggerating, it was Rocky Balboa in the last round. My face was all swollen on the  hit side. My eye was swollen shut and the bruising was starting. He called work immediately I put on yesterday's clothes that were in a lump on the floor and we headed to the closest ER. On the ride he was  trying to relax me and cheer me up with Rocky comments. My mind could only focus on Liam Neesons wife. We both knew the minute we got there they would think he beat the crap out of me. We planned for him to stay with me at all times and just keep holding my hand. That was what I needed anyway.

The nurses scooted me away from him the minute I came in but he followed. It didn't take long for them to realize I just did a really dumb thing in the middle of the night. A much appreciated dose of Dilaudid (?) for the worsening headache  and something for my increasing nausea helped a lot once it kicked in. I went for CAT scans and was diagnosed with a concussion and whiplash. I still can't believe all this.

Right now the swelling is down and I can open my eyes, but damn, this is ugly. The Rocky jokes continue and I am thankful I have such a dear husband to take care of me. I can't be alone for the next 48 hours and he is by my side. It was his idea to put this up on the blog.

Throughout my life I have a lesson I relearn over and over again but I still forget over and over again. It is that all  the many things I seem to worry about almost never happen. And, I worry a lot. But, the strangest pile of crap can land in your lap when you never ever expect it or even dream it could happen. Once again this lesson is learned. I have to not worry so much. Here is a pic I took a few minutes ago. Now, to send him out for a night lite and to just rest the next few days per doctor's orders......Bunny

Oh, I thank God this didn't blind me...Bunny


  1. Oh my... How frightening! And you are completely right... We spend far more time worrying about things that will never come to pass that we forget about the randomness of life. What's that commercial... "Life comes at you fast!" I had my own "corner encounter" when I was about 5 years old and was also miraculously not blinded (missed by about 1/4").
    Rest up and heal quickly!

  2. Um, wow, that was a really scary accident! Yes, so grateful it wasn't worse and that you have such a wonderful husband who is taking care of you. Hope you can rest and feel better soon!

  3. Get well soon!. It was a good idea to go to the ER, you never now, as the song I was listening a few minutes ago: "en un segundo todo puede cambiar, en un segundo te puedes derrumbar...." from Diego Torres-En un segundo. (I hope ypu understand spanish, but if you don't is something like: in a second everything can change!)

  4. Bunny, I'm happy for you that your eyes weren't more involved. I'm sending you lots of love for a speedy recovery. I hope that you'll be able to relax and feel better real soon.

  5. You were really, really, really lucky!
    Get well soon, and please listen to the doctors when it comes to concussion - switch off your pc and lie down in the dark. Behave as if you have a cast on your head.
    Boring, but necessary!

  6. Normally I don't worry about many things. Oddly enough, I do sometimes think: Oh dear I cut that corner very tightly when I move about at home.

    And still, what happened to you must be a million to one chance. I hope you get well soon!

  7. Yikes!! I hope you are feeling better soon.

  8. Ouch! is right! I read on ES about your mishap, so I had to check it out.
    Bless your heart! I hope it heals quickly, and you were lucky you didn't injure your eye a lot worse.

  9. I'm sorry this nasty, nasty accident happened to you! Rest well. Get better soon!

  10. Ouch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am so sorry for you Bunny, this must have been terrible. I wish you a fast recovery.

  11. oh Bunny, that looks like it hurts! I'm glad you went to the ER. When you wrote that you went to bed, I cringed.

    Heal fast, and be careful with those corners.

  12. Oh dear! Ouchy!! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  13. Yow! I hope you feel much better very soon!

  14. Oh, Bunny, I am so glad you are ok. This is what one would call a freakish accident. Be kind to yourself and perhaps a wee night light in the hall by your bedroom. :)

    Warm Wishes, Darby

  15. Λυπάμαι τόσο πολύ για το ατύχημά σου...εύχομαι να γίνεις γρήγορα καλά!
    Με αγάπη από Ελλάδα!

  16. OMG Bunny. I can't imagine how much pain you were (are) in. Sending cyber good wishes.

  17. Oh my goodness! Poor you! I hope you heal quickly, and look and feel better soon. What an horrible night you had. Your husband sounds like a lovely, sweet man, if perhaps to sound a sleeper!

  18. Bunny!!! You poor thing, I am so sorry for your accident, but am very glad that you will be okay. Head injuries are scary business, so take it easy and relax! Wish I could bring you over a basket of chocolate chip muffins and some mocha coffee!!!

  19. Oh Bunny!!! OW!!! I am so sorry. You poor thing. Yeah, a nightlight sounds like a wise idea. But OW! I pray you heal quickly and the headache leaves. Now go snuggle in and watch a movie and relax.

  20. Holy cow, that's very scary! I knew as soon as I read the nausea part that you had a concussion. I had a very mild one once and had headaches for 2 months! I hope you heal a lot faster.

  21. Oh, you poor baby! These things not only scare the hell out of you, they are humbling in their intensity and show us how much we need someone who cares. Allow yourself time to recover, not just from the physical, but also from the shock...
    My best to you.


  22. Bunny I'm so sorry. You were too kind to your husband. I bet he'd much have preferred you awakened him.
    Sarah Minton

  23. ouch ouch ouch!! Your very lucky. Hugs and healing prayers.


  24. Wow, scary! Good thing you went to the ER.

    I had a similar accident this winter, a face plant on asphalt that resulted in bruises and abrasions, including a black eye. No whiplash though, and for that I'm grateful.

    I hope you're feeling better soon. The night light is an excellent idea.

  25. Oh my goodness. Hope you are better quickly. I came up really hard under a cabinet door once and almost killed myself.

  26. Ouch! is an understatement. Feel better soon.

  27. Oh my heavens, thank goodness you went to the hospital. Hope you feel better soon.

  28. Oh my my ouch! I so hope you are feeling much better.

  29. OMG, bless your heart!!! Prayers for a quick and scar free recovery. Take care of yourself. Good luck trying to sleep with a night lite. I wouldn't be able to.

    And man oh man what kind of ear plugs is your DH using?

    Get well soon!

  30. I'm so sorry for you! My best wishes for a speedy recovery added to all the others.

  31. OMG, sweet Bunny. So sorry that this happened. Been there, done that, though! Fell in the bathroom in the middle of the night, hit a corner and looked a lot like you look now! It will heal! And you'll be like me -- a lot more careful. At least you got your clothes back on, right???

  32. honey baby!!!!! Girl, take care of yourself, I am so sorry for this!!!

  33. Oh, you poor dear. At least you have hubby to take care of you. I'm sure you'll be like new in a few weeks. But you'll be somewhat skittish around that bureau for quite a time to come!

  34. OUCH!! Hope you heal quickly!!

  35. ooooh, Bunny! there are tears in my eyes... I'm sending prayers and good energy up Rt. 30 to you!

  36. Ouch, painful! I hope you feel better soon. (And maybe consider a night light?)

  37. OMG that looks painful, I did something similar on the corner of a car door not a pretty sight. Rest & heal quickly.

  38. Well I'm glad to know that you are technically okay and that your DH is staying by your side until you are better! You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  39. Ouch! Prayers for swift healing for you. I am so thankful your DH didn't hesitate and took you straight to the ER. Follow all of the directions so that you will heal quickly. If you find the nightlight keeps you awake, try a flashlight that you can use as you enter and leave the room in the dark. (I often go to bed after DH as well...flashlight comes in handy.)

  40. WOW! Sorry this happened to you, get better soon!

  41. so sorry this happened to you, hope you have a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself.

  42. Tons of well wishes are being sent your way.

  43. Oh my goodness, that's a nasty accident Bunny. I'm glad you are okay, take it easy and sending you well wishes.

  44. Bunny, I am so sorry for you! I wish you will get better soon. Take care of yourself.

  45. "...the many things I seem to worry about almost never happen. And, I worry a lot. But, the strangest pile of crap can land in your lap when you never ever expect it" Thanks, Bunny, that's the most profound thing I've ever read on a sewing blog. I'm going to try very hard to remember this because I'm a world class worrier, and I think this will really help.
    I'm so glad you weren't blinded, and that you have such a lovely husband. And that you were believed in the hospital. Get well soon. Word verification is bromp, pretty apt!

  46. How scary. I also navigate in the dark because we are the same way. I go to bed early and get up early. I have a little clock that lights up when you push the button and I use that for a little light when I need it. My sister tripped in the dark one night over the cat and fell into a radiator and like you had to go to the hospital. They made her husband leave the room and asked her a bunch of questions about abuse. But at least they try to protect woman now days. Hope you feel better soon.

  47. Ouch!! Feel better soon, and maybe install a nightlight!

  48. Geez Looeez, Bunny! I'm glad you're OK!

    My MIL hit her head falling out of a pear tree last year (don't ask...long story). She thought she was fine...except for the fact that she didn't recognize her own car in the driveway. Well, a full two months later, she began falling and dragging her leg. Thinking she was having a stroke, we took her to the ER...and it turned out she had bleeding on her brain from the fall. After surgery and some rehab, she's fine...but we all learned that you don't want to mess around when you bump your head.

    Take it easy...and give those bees a rest, if you need to!


  49. Oh My Goodness! I hope you feel better soon!

  50. Oh my God! Glad you are ok. Rest up and take care of yourself.

  51. Oh no! Prayers for a pain free healing period. Bless your husband for taking such good care of you.

  52. Geçmiş olsun canımcım uffff fena olmuş gözünüz kaza geliyom demez tantı korusun sizi öpüyorum sevgilerimi bırakıyorum

  53. Your story was so scary. I'm so glad you're okay. Get well soon!

  54. Oh Bunny.........I feel SOOOO sorry for you! Honey, that is just awful! What a terrifying experience & yes, you're right, you could have become blind in that eye. Yikes!!

    Gentle {{HUGS}}...I hope it has improved greatly by now. I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner.

    Seriously Sorry,

  55. Oh my... so sorry to read you are not well. Get well soon.

    I too have a habit of navigating through my bedroom in the dark and learned a lesson when I bump into the corner of the chest draw that left me with a huge bruise on the left side of my chest and had to go to the ER.

  56. Oh, Bunny. That looks painful. Take your meds, lie quietly as directed.

  57. Oh Darling Bunny,
    Marysia here...........just got blogspot back and have checked in to catch up with find this!

    You poor poor darling...........gecmis olsun; Turkish for get well soon.

    Thank God that you will recover.........I have to hold my hand up know and admit, I had a similar experience some years ago, when still in the U.K. I had to be ambulanced away in the early hours of the morning......only mentioning this to make you realize that there are others that do similar things...........Yes, initially we knew what people thought, but quickly realized that it was me being a dumb blonde, fumbling in the dark, but thinking I knew where I was..........

    Much love and huge hugs to you.


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