Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Non Bumblebee Bag

This bag pattern is included in Simplicity 2464, the one used for the Bumblebee Dress. I love the shape. It is only five and a half inches wide at the bottom! It is lined and closes with a bit of velcro. I used a bias cut strip of check placed on the wide ribbon. Then I covered the stitching line with the narrow ribbon. I think it is just darling. Today I will make an outfit for the AG doll to match.
So many of you have asked and emailed me about my face. I am doing great now. All swelling is down except for this hard bean sized knot inside right where I took the direct hit. There is just a little color left too and I am no longer scaring little children. Thank you all so much for your concerns. They are really really appreciated. We now have a nightlight in the bedroom!

This morning's project  is the AG dress which will take a half hour at most and I will spare you that simplicity. Next up in the queue is my tapestry bag and a pair of pajamas for my Zackie, spider camo jammies as a matter of fact! The garden is beckoning so I will be spending more time outside and less in the cave.We are faced with some really good weather this week and I hope to have all cleaned and planted by the end of the week.....Bunny

ETA:  Just had to add the AG dolly dress. It didn't warrant a full post, that's for sure, but it's cute. Now Sophie has the Trifecta, her dress, the dolly dress, and a bag to match, whoo hooo!


  1. Cute! I love the shape too :)
    Ashley x

  2. This is so cute!

  3. Adorable little bag! That's going to make a lovely outfit. The dress is fabulous. So glad you're injury is healing. As I've always heard, most accidents happen in the home.

  4. What a beautiful little dress. And now the doll dress too! Glad you are felling better.

  5. This bag with the dress and dress for doll, my goodness this girl treated like a princess. I am sure she deserves it.
    I am glad you are feeling better.
    Take Care.

  6. This will just complete an already DARLING outfit! She is going to be thrilled with it, I know. My Ms. C. loves to carry a purse. Needs a spot for her lip balm, ya' know. LOL

    Very, Very cute!

  7. The accessories are adorable! The whole bumble bee theme is very, very cute.

  8. Poor you! You have to be careful! I did a cartoonish fall on a stair several years ago. It took months for the lump to go away.

  9. So cute! I love the black/white/yellow color combination. Glad you're feeling and looking better.

  10. Oh, my, I just realized the bee on the dolly dress needs wings. See what happens when you hurry!

  11. I love everything about EVERY piece! Thanks for your posts.

  12. Just adorable! Lucky little girl :))

  13. They are all three so adorable - lucky, lucky Sophie!

  14. Super cute - what fun to have made a complete "set"!

  15. Bunny - this is sooooooooo cute! I'm sure that your granddaughter is going to love all three pieces! How wonderful!


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