Sewing Vloggers

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Brilliant Pincushion

 I take no credit for this idea. It all goes to Kathryn at I Can Take The Time.   She came up with this remedy to the always frustrating dilemma of where do I throw the pins as I am whipping down this long pant leg seam. Brilliant, Kathryn! I wasted no time making my own little pin cushion. You just make a little tube with elastic coming out of each side, stuff it with fluff, sew it shut, and tie it around the machine. I can't thank Kathryn enough.  I found Kathryn's clever idea and blog through Pinterest.  Don't know what Pinterest is? It's a virtual bulletin board where you can pin images of any great ideas you come across. You can divide up your boards into various categories. I have one for sewing room ideas, gifts, organization, etc. If you click on the button on the right you can see my boards. Once you join pinterest you can repin anyone's pin to your own boards. There is inspiration on here in serious doses whether it be a clever pin cushion or a wedding gown. Everything, and I do mean everything, is on Pinterest so it is great fun to search. Hope you give it a try, that is both the clever cushion and the Pinterest bulletin boards. I know many of you are already "pinning". Such fun!...Bunny


  1. Awesome idea... plan to make one this weekend!

  2. WHat a great idea! However, it wouldn't work on my Babylock Ellageo.
    I have been hesitant to even look into Pinterest. I spedd way too much time on the computer as it is, so I will try it some day in the future. I've heard lots of great things about it.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  3. This is Kathryn from I Can Find The Time...Thank you for the link back to my blog! I'm glad you enjoy the pincushion...and Pinterest! I'm totally obsessed!


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