Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Carly's Circle Dress, Simp 2466

I really wasn't sure how I would like this dress while I was making it but now I love it. DH really loves it.  The dress is a complete circle and I wasn't sure how all those folds would work on such a little girl but now I think it will. It definitely has major twirl factor and that's always a big plus.
Here's the 411:

Pattern: Simplicity 2466, Daisy Kingdom. Lots of pluses as well as minuses here. All sizes, 3 thru 8, are on four very large sheets of tissue. Some pieces overlap, some don't. Given that the fabric calls for two fabrics, (I used three), and all those pieces in all those sizes, it was a bugger to cut. Plan out a long afternoon or whole day just to get through the cutting. I recommend buying this in several sizes on a 99 cent sale as it is just too much of a pain to work around the different sizes, IMO. The instructions given in the pattern are clear. There are just not enough of them. I also don't like the v. large hembands not being cut on the fold. I learned that lesson too late as you can tell but Carly won't mind!

Construction: As mentioned yesterday, no interfacing is required. I highly recommend you interface the yokes. Also understitch the yokes, something not mentioned in the pattern as well. Topstitch the hemband to give it a more finished look. Edgestitch the neckline edge of the sleeve ruffle.

I did make this a bit more difficult for myself by using three fabrics. I also chose to bind the hem band which I think is much better looking. As I often do, the side seams are french seams and the center back seam is serged separately and then stitched together in a 5/8 seam. The pattern then has you turn under the SAs to create an open placket. The ties are attached to the placket in the seam.

One of this pattern's charms is the large flower on the hemband. I did this a bit differently from the pattern.
I actually tried two techniques. First I fused two layers of fabric using Steam A Seam and then cut out the flower with pinking shears. My other sample, the one I decided on, veers from the pattern as well. I cut two layers for each flower layer, turned them and then zigzagged on the designated stitching lines, simple but cute. I like the finished edge better than the SAS edges. The pattern has one layer with raw edges. Because some of the flowers are straight edges, this would not look good once it survived the wash. The pattern also has you put a smaller flower on the yoke. There is also a pattern for a bag with the flower as well as a headband with the flower. I decided to make the headband with the flower because Carly loves hats and headbands. I am leaving the flower off the yoke, just too much IMO.

 When I spent the day cutting this out it included bias binding from one of the prints, the small one.  I added the binding to the sleeve edge and the hemband. In the pattern it is only spec'd on the armhole.

Fabric: The large print is an Amy Butler design from our quilt shop on the nearby Native American Reservation. The plaid is a cotton homespun and the small print is a quilt cotton, both from Joanns. When I blend prints I like some connector in each print. In this case it was the rasberry plum-ish color.  I like to have a large print, a small print, and a geometric of some sort, in this case the plaid. Sometimes, if I can get the right coodinates, I will go for a medium print, stripe, and a dot. I really enjoy the hunt of pulling the fabrics together. You just never know if it works, though, until it is completed.

I would recommend this pattern based on it s high cuteness factor. I would not recommend it for beginners. The pattern leaves off information, that in my opinion, would make this a more professional garment. I also think dealing with all the tissue and pieces could discourage a newbie. This really simple design became much more difficult due specifically to the directions, or lack thereof, and the way the pattern is printed, not for the faint of heart. I would definitely make this again and think it is quite darling and unique, just like my precious Carly who I know will look wonderful in this minty color....Bunny

The back:


  1. You sewing is so beautiful, lovely dress

  2. the mix of prints is just adorable.
    fun sewing!

  3. Sew cute! Love the colors and the twirl factor is a major thing... Bravo!

  4. Absolutely darling, especially with the extra touches you always bring to a pattern.

  5. I love this! Might have to consider this for Shelby.

  6. The twirl factor is definitely a big-deal for little girls! Super cute dress.

  7. Really, really nice job, Bunny! Our girls love to spin, don't they? This will be PERFECT for doing that on a warm summer day.
    I adore that pretty mint color with the raspberry accent shades. It will look smashing on Carly!

    Thank you so much for the very clear explanations of how you worked through the issues. If I see it go on sale, I may just buy several & give it a go, following all your leads.


  8. Wow that is so beautiful - I love the mix of fabrics and I am sure she will love the fact she can twirl in it.

  9. Perfect choice of fabrics and colors to go with this charming pattern!!!

  10. What a sweet dress! I'm sure she will love it, not least for the twirl factor!

  11. Ditto above. Definitely a very expensive boutique look.

  12. What a fabulous twirly dress! Carly will love it! My middle DGD would love it as well. Might just have to copy you -- AGAIN!

  13. You have made me want this pattern. I can just see my granddaughters spinning round and round in it. Nothing like a great twril dress. Love your fabric choices on this one.

  14. I'm going to comment on the fit on my next post so make sure you check it out if you are planning on making this. I also recommend a trip to PR to read the reviews, very interesting opinions from others.

    Thanks, everyone for the lovely comments.

  15. Bunny, you have such an eye for prints. The dress is adorable.

  16. Oh, Bunny. How I would love to go back in time and be able to wear these little dresses. Oh, well. I thought of you and your amazing bag making talent when I saw this blog: Tons of information in his blog.

  17. Oh so pretty..I love the fabrics you used...beautiful!
    (and impeccably sewn, as always :)

  18. Oh, look how adorable! Well done!


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