Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Interesting Pinteresting

Have you ever really looked at what's going on with your Pinterest board? Some rather interesting observations can be made with a little digging. You have X number of boards and you may be tracking your followers or not, but odd reflections on sewing and fashion can be found in those silly numbers.

Today I have 4340 followers. Many of my boards, of which there are 70 (Mon Dieu!) seem to hover around the 660-700 mark for followers. But here are some interesting facts regarding the sewing boards:

The "Sewing Tutorials" board has 2284 followers. That board is always growing too. I take this as a really positive sign that sewists want to increase their skill level and are seeking solid information and inspiration.  Here are the  other sewing related boards and their breakdown of followers:

Sewing zippers:  663 followers

Sewing pockets:  656 followers

Fitting:  700 followers   Interesting increase. Does it reflect the concerns sewists have about fit                                                    as opposed to technique? 

Drafting patterns:   687 followers   Also interesting in that it is an almost equal amount to the                                                     other sewing boards. I always thought many sewists could care less                                                        about drafting their own patterns. I am clearly wrong on that. Your                                                       thoughts? Is this evidence of the upswing in PDF patterns, some of                                                         which are drafted by those without design school experience and                                                           finding this online information helpful?  Thoughts?                                            

Sewing linings:  654 followers

Garment finishing:   654 followers

Heirloom sewing techniques;    774 followers  Hooray for that! 


 Sewing techniques & details:    1662 followers     This is my favorite sewing board and it's                                                        because it shows details, many from the runway, that could be                                                                implemented in our own clothing. It's where I keep my inspiration                                                          pics. Do you have a similar board for sewing details? It's fun to go to                                                    when I need  inspiration. The above pic is from designer Ann                                                                 Williamson  who thrills with her surface embellishment skills.

photo courtesy of

         Sew me some bras:       675 followers    I find this really interesting. We have seen bra patterns                                                 proliferating all over the blogosphere and the original instructors in this                                                 area of sewing are in big demand. Craftsy has a bra class. I think this is                                                 reflective of the variance in all human bodies and how motivated we                                                     are to make our own be the most comfortable and best looking, at least                                                 underneath it all. Beautiful bras in ALL sizes are way overdue and                                                         sewing your own is one way to get them.  Have you made  your own                                                     bra? My grandmother used to make all of my mom's and you couldn't                                                   tell the difference from a Vanity Fair. My mom loved them as they fit                                                   so well. I haven't taken the dip yet but it is good to know there is lots of                                                 information out there.

Another fun thing to do with your Pinterest board is to keep an eye on who is following you. You would be amazed! I have two well known followers and was really surprised to see their names as I scrolled through the list. Great pastime for a rainy dreary day! It's also very interesting to see where your followers are coming from. I have a great deal of Hispanic followers which doesn't surprise me given my background. There is a wonderful culture of heirloom sewing in the Hispanic community and some very beautiful work being done. I am glad we have made this connection. 

I have several other boards that are sewing related but not in a way that is reflective of the current sewing landscape so I did not put them here. Are there any particular sorts of sewing boards you look for on pinterest?  Do you follow any/many commercial boards in regards to sewing, like the McCall Fan Gallery, which I love, BTW?  Do you think businesses should be on Pinterest and is there a downside? I have heard of numerous instances of copyright infringement but isn't the whole Pinterest concept one big infringement? Not so sure about that one. Would love to know your thoughts.....Bunny

ETA: Once again, Blogger is giving me grief. I apologize if you are seeing blocks of text that are totally out of sorts and look a bit disharmonious to the eye. Mine in edit/write mode look perfect. Once published they go haywire. At work they looked awful as well so it's not my comp. Sorry for this aggravation.

ETA: Because you asked here is my Pinterest collection of boards:  Thanks for asking. 


  1. I just see Pinterest like my online scrapbook. Not sure how that would infringe copyright.

    1. And I am bit slow but for some reason I can't seem to find a link to your Pinterest boards. Do you have a button on this site?

    2. Ya know, I had one but for some reason it disappeared and I realized it after I wrote the post. Since I didn't want this to be self serving ( I really don't care how many followers I have on P), I didn't link to my boards. But I will find my "P" and get it up. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Hi Bunny! Pinterest is my rabbit happy place, LOL. I would like to follow you on Pinterest, but I don't see a link to your boards. If you could let me know how to find you, that would be awesome!

    I am {this} close to making my own bra. I wouldn't be surprised if I have one made before summer. I was reticent, but there has just been too much eye candy going around recently, not to mention my frustration with having such a difficult time finding wireless bras in my size!

    I know of people that have deleted their entire Pinterest boards because of copyright infringement. I had a period of time that I was contemplating giving up Pinterest for that reason too. One of the bloggers had been sued for using photos on her blog without permission. She wasn't intentionally stealing photos, but she was naive to legalities regarding use of photos off the Internet. As I understand it, Pinterest often is copyright infringement. I don't know. How many millions have Pinterest boards? Eep...I would hate to be plucked out of thousands and be sued because I was posting a photo on my Pinterest board that I was basically repinning from anther pinner....

    I do follow a couple of the commercial pinners like McCalls fan gallery page, but really most pinners I follow are just like-minded individuals.

    1. I like novels! Since you both requested I will get that pin info up.

  3. Pinterest isn't an online scrapbook, it's a metadata harvester where pinners are giving them the metadata for free.

    The original Pinterest terms of service said that you gave them the copyright to anything you uploaded to Pinterest. That made the people who got pinned by other parties very upset.

    Pinterest said that they never meant that they owned the images that were uploaded. That meant that the real content they were focused on was the metadata. That's what they sell--human-generated metadata about imagery. Humans still do this better than AI algorithms.

    Commercial vendors upload their own content to Pinterest b/c they want to see how pinners tag their images. That kind of use is fine. But, don't grab images off other sources on the internet and upload them to Pinterest unless the owner
    of the images gives you permission.

    You can upload your own images to Pinterest as long as you own the copyright and don't mind others repinning your imagery.

    1. Great info, thanks! If I were a bona fide artist making a living, I would definitely make my business web page non pinnable. It's easy and the info is out on google to be found. Other than that, I think if you put something out on the web, people will copy and paste. I really appreciate the availability and generosity of those who do all the tutorials. It makes the sewing blogosphere a better place. I did notice about a year ago a blip in some Indie patterns where those who made children's clothing started to make them non-pinnable. Good idea, given that the prurient out there are always looking for a victim.

    2. I think where things can get sketchy is if I am re-pinning a pin onto my Pinterest board, and the original pinner 'lifted' the photo from the Internet without the owner's permission. {I may be using incorrect terminology here, but...} All my boards have photos that I've got either from my own blog or they were already on Pinterest. Unfortunately, I haven't traced the origin of the photos that I pin.

      Okay, Vicki is now following the link up?

  4. My most followed pin is for inspirational podcasts! I hadn't been following you on Pinterest. Am now :)

  5. i use pinterest as a notebook, but it can also be overwhelming so one board is my pinspiration board and is constantly being edited to be within 100 images.

    1. I've had spells where it was time to edit. For me that meant splitting into more boards! I still need to edit on some rainy day soon.

  6. I use Pinterest as a place for folks to understand what makes me tick. I also use it as a place to show a multitude of photos of my own real sewing that cannot be shown on my blog for fear of boring folks to death. I do have a bone to pick with brides who come with a phone crammed with hundreds if not thousands of ideas for dress altering...whoa girl...not all your ideas can fit on one dress!

  7. I still haven't gotten into Pinterest. I'm definitely not an early adopter, though. Love that embellished top by Ann Williamson...that enough to make me wander over toward Pinterest!

  8. Thank for posting the links to your boards. I enjoy your blog and your teaching.

  9. I have become addicted to Pinterest! It's the perfect place to put all my inspirations. I am now following you. I don't have a sewing site board myself but I follow several. I need to start one. Clothes women hide in made me laugh.

    1. I couldn't think of any other description of those clothes. I have seen a few women wearing that style in a summery resort environment To each his own!

  10. Thanks for mentioning your lovely Pinterest boards Bunny. I will follow the sewing ones straight away! And no, I am not making bras as I find I can buy nice ones that do the job just great!


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