Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

More Books!

I've been shopping! Somehow the two books above have eluded me and I finally clicked and ordered them. I have other books by Claire Shaeffer but needed this one. I am impressed with what I see so far. The Coffin book is just such an excellent resource and everyone should know how to make a shirt with nice plackets and a collar stand so this will become a great reference used often, I am sure.

While visiting,  DD#1 and kids and I went to a book fair at the  No. Andover. library. Books were running 25 cents to 2.00 and I was able to snag the ones you see above. I have been wanting to learn to tat for a long time and this book is GREAT.

Slipcovering has also been on my list of potential projects so that one jumped into the shopping bag too. The machine hand sewing book certainly is not Carol Ahles but there are a few good ideas in there as well.

For under five dollars my grandson packed a shopping bag full of books!

And last but not least, I picked up a great cookbook from the Junior League of Portland, Maine. I love those Junior League cookbooks and this one is super. I can't wait to make a few of the recipes.
I have been removed from sewing the past week. I wanted to visit my daughters and grandchildren before I have surgery tomorrow and did. I also wanted to see my daughters run a half marathon in York, Maine. DD#1and #2 have been training for months. Number two has run half marathons before and was looking forward to running together with her sis. Unfortunately DD#2 came down with flu and fever and couldn't' run but did make it to watch DD #1 with the whole family. It was a cold blustery day the course was  right on the ocean. I AM SO PROUD OF MY DAUGHTERS!!! and all of the other women who did the the half marathon. It was truly impressive. There were women my age running which was quite an illuminating sight to see. Just amazing!  Go Jen and Aud!!!

That's about it from the sewing front for the next few days. I am starting to get nervous and hope it will all be over quickly and easily. Till the next stitch....Bunny


  1. Congrats to your daughters on the accomplishment. Love the books you picked up. Good luck on the surgery and hoping for a full and speedy recovery!!!

  2. Absolutely love your CJ and know it will be fabuous when complete. You sew with such perfection. Best of luck on your surgery.

    Karen in Houston

  3. The Claire Schaeffer is an excellent book - you will enjoy it greatly. Good luck on surgery and recovery!

  4. Sending you ~~rapid recovery~~ vibes, Bunny! I hope you're back on your feet...or your SEAT, sewing up a storm in no time.

    Bravo to your girls for all the training they put into those races. I've only done 5K's twice in my life...that was enough. LOL

    Hugs to you, my friend. You'll be in my prayers. Log on asap to let us know how you're doing.

  5. Good luck with your surgery, Bunny.

  6. That funky tatting ain't the tatting I was taught! That alone will speed your way through surgery, I sincerely hope. Remember too that surgeons are like pilots - very invested in landing the plane safely :)

  7. I hope that your surgery goes well and that your recovery is very quick.

    The tatting book looks interesting. My grandmother wanted to teach me how to tat, but I wasn't interested. I wish now I'd taken the time.

    How wonderful that you were able to see your daughter run and be with the other daughter, too.

  8. I have the "Shirtmaking" book, it's an amazing resource! Good luck with surgery, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and praying for a speedy recovery!

  9. yay for those girls!!! I'm thinking of you Bunny and saying a prayer that you will have a very quick recovery!!

  10. You will enjoy Claire Shaeffers book very much, I am sure. Here explanations and techniques are fantastic and it also has great pictures of Couture garments.

  11. Hi Bunny. Sending you best wishes and a speedy recovery from the UK. I love your blog and follow regularly. I have been thinking about investing in the shirtmaking book for a while, so have put it on my Christmas list.
    Best wishes to you and your family

  12. Best of luck with the surgery. You'll be in my prayers.

  13. Best of luck with your surgery. Will be looking forward to seeing your back posting again soon. I have the Claire Schaffer book and it's the only couture sewing book I own. I learned SO much from it..

  14. Good luck tomorrow and breathe deeply every time you get scared (and say a prayer). That's what helps me and I'm a real scaredy cat when it comes to doing medical stuff!

  15. May all the good thoughts coming your way ease your fears and your recovery.

    Joan in Atlanta

  16. hope you have a speedy recovery!! interesting you were in 'north' Andover....i grew up in Andover on Foster's family moved from there in 1968

  17. Just wanted to know I'm thinking of you & your recovery today. Hope you are resting easy & not having any problems.

    BTW, the patch is scopolamine...from the belladonna plant. It works as both a mild analgesic & a sedative effect & really works great to reduce any post-op nausea. We used to give it via injection prior to just about every surgery. It will make your mouth dry so drink lots of fluids.

    Be aware that if you have any severe eye pain or blurred vision, take it off immediately (if its not off already)& call your doc. Signs of glaucoma.

    Hugs to you, Honey! Hope you're doing well.
    I'd bring you some nice chicken tortilla soup with crunchy toppings if I was closer.

  18. I own the first two books; they are wonderful and I know you'll love them!


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