Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I am giving Thanks....

I have so so much to be thankful for. I sure hope you all do as well. I know times can be rough, particularly in this crazy economy. Let's hope it gets better for all who need it to really soon but in the meantime there is ALWAYS much to be thankful for. Just a few of the things I am so glad and thankful about:

  • My patient, loving husband. He has been with me since I was sixteen and truly loves me. I so know that. When you have been together as long as we have and weathered the storms we have, each year becomes a bigger treasure than the last. 
  • My beautiful two daughters. They are blessed with loving, caring husbands, and have blessed us with 5 wonderful grandchildren that truly make life worth living. They have turned into caring, productive adults. No Mom could ask for more.
  • I have a warm home in a sometimes scarily cold climate and a husband who tends the woodstove carefully and responsibly. There are many fires around here from woodstoves. I feel safe.
  • My stash of fabric, really quite small compared to many but just what I need. It is loaded with lots of vintage fabrics, laces, and buttons that bring on memories that make me smile and that makes it big enough.
  • A Mother and Grandmother who gave me the love of sewing, and the freedom to be creative. They encouraged me to be creative. What a gift!
  • A wonderful job. I work with amazing women, not a bitch anywhere! It is truly a blessing to work with wonderful women who do their jobs well and care for others even more. I treasure them all.
  • The wonderful sewing sisterhood. You all encourage me, inspire me, make me laugh, make me cry, and make me spend money!!!
  • My health, and a brilliant neurologist. For the first time in 4 1/2 years I am pain free from something that has made every day and night difficult. He corrected a long misdiagnosis and all that entailed, treating me appropriately for, in his words, "an extremely rare condition that is almost always misdiagnosed"  and gave me my life back, really. I was getting pretty discouraged for a while there but it is all behind me now. I thank God for this every morning when I wake up, such a blessing.
I have much, much to be thankful for. I know you do too. May your blessings continue, may you be surrounded by loved ones on the holiday, may your creativity flourish and your health be trouble free. Bless you all and know you are cherished......Bunny 


  1. Thank you Bunny.
    For your smocking wisdom that you have shared with me.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Bunny. I count you among my "sewing blessings" and am grateful for our friendship!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Bunny! You are truly a blessing!

  4. What a bounty of blessing. Happy Thanksgiving, Bunny, and so glad your health is better!

  5. Happy thanksgiving. Yes, there is à lot to be thankfull for for me als well. It is good to realize that now and then. Glad to hear your health has improved so much.

  6. Happy thanksgiving Bunny - what a beautiful summary of your blessings (we should all do it more often). Wonderful news to hear your health issues have been resolved. You certainly inspire me with your work.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Bunny! It feels like a privilege to read your personal gratitudes. I never knew you were in pain. I am so glad to hear that you are better now.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving!!! There is truly so much we all have to be thankful for! :) I'm so glad that this year you finally are pain free - what a blessing!

  9. How is it possible that I was not a fan of yours??? This is unforgivable for my carelessness!
    I also want to thank you for sharing with us all these thoughts so beautiful that help us to know you a little more ... I knew nothing of your pain, I'm glad that you are free of it now. Thanks for post so nice and positive.

  10. Lovely list! We are have much to be thankful for, even in the midst of adversity.

  11. Beautiful!
    Happy Thanksgiving Bunny!

  12. What a wonderful litany of blessings, Bunny. I ditto several of them! Your sewing blog was the first I discovered when I began sewing for myself and you have been a mainstay! Thank you.

    Who would ever guess that you have suffered for so long? Your productivity in spite of pain is even more remarkable!

    1. Sewing enabled me to get in the zone and not think about it. It was a Godsend.

      Thanks, everyone for your lovely responses.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to you and how wonderful to find a diagnosis and relief. what a lovely post.

  14. Happy Thanksgiving to you. I am also thankful that folks like you take the time to photograph and write about your craft. I have learned so much. Thank you.

  15. I am thankful for you and your blog.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. What a beautiful list and touching reminder that we don't always kno what is going on in the lives of our blogging role models. I never knew about your pain, just your wonderful sewing creations, and am so glad that you have gotten some relief and good treatment.


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