Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Twas the day before New Year's and......

Twas the day before New Year's, when all through the house
Machines were not humming or making a blouse.
The velvets were hung by the leathers with care
In hope that free time soon would be there.

Hubbie was nestled all snug in our bed
while visions of garments danced in my head.
I in my Jammies and Dad in his sweats decided
No party on New Years was as good as it gets.

When down in the basement their came such a clatter
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to my bunker I flew like a flash
Tore open the closet and eyed my great stash.

The glow of my Ott lite on cleaned closet shelves
showed amazing order put forth by the elves.
And what to my wandering eyes would appear?
Visions of fabric so vast and so dear.

There were fleeces all rolled and labeled with care
in hopes that my fingers would make things I'd share.
There were boucles all begging for Chanel's nimble skills
and 100% linen was giving me thrills. 

When up on my shelves my eyes did alight
to find glass jars of fibers reflecting the light.
There were laces and ribbons and sequins galore
and sewing such beauties was surely in store. 

I found angelina and rovings
 all bundled with care,
 and splendiferous threads with no room to spare. 

Drawers were all perfect with scissors at rest
and tools made for marking ones marks at their best.
Buttonhole chisels, silk ribbons too, glass headed pins
asking "what do we do?"

 Polies and silk take up space by the knits. 
Their sparkly gleam giving shivering fits.
Then there were doilies and gingham so square.
With so much to sew there is no  time to spare.
Bottomweights share a really tight space, 
A perfect pants pattern will they ever grace?

 Why, here are my fingers on hands that are eager
to stitch and create, even projects quite meager. 
They'l move on the fabric with speed so unknown
Productivity will blossom with items I've sewn. 

It's time to get dreaming of what I will do 
with all I've been blessed with. How about you? 
Here's hoping your New Year will be one that's bright
 and loaded with sewing far into the night.
Happy New Year to all with more sewing in sight.....Bunny Pepin




  1. That post rocked.. Loved the poem style.

  2. So what was the "clatter"? Fun poem but you had me thinking something must be amiss. Happy New Year and hoping 2013 sees you happy amongst all your goodies :)

    1. It was the New Year's elves putting all my fabric in order!

    2. That is priceless! Could you send that elf a bit farther north and west to Alberta where I would make him (her) most welcome

  3. Wow - that was what I call organisation! I am envious. Have a great New Year (loved the poem).

  4. Wow all that time with your books has given you even more skills - wonderful poem I love it.

    Happy New Year Bunny I look forward to seeing those lovely fabrics made into something beautiful.

  5. You made my day! Wonderful post, fantastic pictures to match... Happy New Year, friend! You are such a blessing, in so many ways!

  6. Delightful! Here's hoping we ALL find more sewing time in 2013!

  7. All the very best for 2013 Bunny! Your sewing space (and poem too) is magical. Have a happy new year's eve in your sewing room.

    1. All of the pics are of the "fabric room". It sits beyond the closet off my sewing room. That's the room with the white shelf. This was where everything in half the house was shoved for the past four months after the flood. It feels so good to have it back, cleaned and organized. Those fabric elves are something, aren't they?

  8. Wow, thanks Bunny. Shows me many a things. Like, I better get organized and make my space lovely so I enjoy every moment there. Can't wait, I think I'll start now, this very minute. Thank you again and your poem is delightful. Get it published in Sew Beautiful or Threads. You need to share it with everyone !!!

  9. Bunny what a poetic way to give us a view of your stash. Beautiful!!!

  10. WOW! What an inspiring stash and amazing workspace! Happy New Year!!

  11. What a great poem! And a very Happy New Year to you, too. We will be home tomorrow night too. We've did the parties when we were young and are now content to turn it over to the young people, and spend a quiet evening together.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Fantastic, so entertaining. Happy New Year.

  14. Love it! Happy New Year!

  15. Loved your version of that Christmas favorite poem, and your very organized stash is divine! Happy New Year!

  16. Love the poem! Your talents abound in many areas. I know you are excited to be back in your well organized sewing room.

  17. Absolutely brilliant! Could you please send that elf my way next? ;D

  18. Adorable! Can't wait to see what comes forth as the New Year moves in! ~ Kimberly

  19. Loved your organization and your great poem.
    Happy New Year,

  20. Wow, are you ever beautifully organized. I need to get to work!
    Happy New Year Bunny.

  21. Wow! That was a great poem. Your sewing space is very organized and ready for the new year.

  22. Wonderful poem! I need those elves - I'm busy constructing the closet organizers and could use the help. Happy Sewing in 2013!

  23. Such a nice, fun poem. Love your stash and have a lovely new year!

  24. Brilliant!!! You are just soooooo creative....J

  25. What a fun and clever poem that all of us "sisters of the thread" can appreciate! :) So glad to see you back in business with your sewing room back in order - you'll be stitching up a storm soon! Happy New Year!!!

  26. How fun! I love your poem AND your organized stash! Have fun sewing in 2013!

  27. Wow! Your sewing has impressed me for a long time - now, you are organized, and a poet as well! Loved it!

  28. Happy New Year!
    You have way too much fabric, clearly you have a hoarding problem. I am coming right over with a shopping bag, to help you with your problem!
    Wonderful poem and you have captured my sewing mood, and plans for today perfectly!

  29. Happy New Year!
    You have way too much fabric, clearly you have a hoarding problem. I am coming right over with a shopping bag, to help you with your problem!
    Wonderful poem and you have captured my sewing mood, and plans for today perfectly!

  30. oh bunny, you have filled my head with rainbows, unicorns and exploding glitter. Happy New Year!

  31. Happy New Year Bunny! I nominated your for the Lovely Blog & Very Inspiring Awards!!! Check out my blog post for the rules if you'd like to participate!

  32. You always inspire me with your creations and now poetry is joining the list. Wonderfully insoired organization. Happy New Year back to you!

  33. Loved this post and your poem. Terrific! So glad you saw a silver-lining after the storm. We reside in Upstate NY and weren't effected at all, but we know that downstate it's still very horrible for some. Glad you and yours are happy and healthy! Happy 2013 and Happy Sewing! Annette

    1. Hi, thanks for your kind thoughts. Our flood had nothing to do with Sandy. In August we had a pipe burst in our basement (walkout type and totally used) that seems was not glued properly in the initial construction. Thousands later we are back in business. Most of the time issue was waiting for the wood floor that we really wanted. It was not in stock and we waited months. We are both very glad we waited as it looks wonderful. Thanks for your concern.

      I am in upstate too, way up on the Canadian border, not far from Potsdam.

  34. Awesome poem & pics thanks sew much!

  35. Love your take on a classic story, and your organizational skills! It looks great, along with all that great fabric- can't wait to see what you do with it.

  36. Happy new year Bunny.
    Lovely poem and you're so organized.

  37. PS: love your picture at the top of your blog

  38. Contratulations on the finished sewing room, and love the poem!

  39. Simply brilliant, and your room looks fantastic.

  40. I am envious of your fabric stash! Also love your jars for storage. I may need to steal that idea for my sewing room :D

  41. I am envious of your fabric stash! Also love your jars for storage. I may need to steal that idea for my sewing room :D


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