Sewing Vloggers

Monday, May 5, 2008


The above two pics are of a rather heavy linen that is embroidered in what appears to be a floche thread. The grapes are quite pronounced. They are actually filled with something hard, and are a good 1/4 inch high from the cloth. The grapes appear to be made like granitos with all the threads coming out and going into the same hole. I would love to know what the hard object inside is. I have often been tempted to open one up but always back down from that awful idea. I put in the pic with the fingers to give you a sense of the scale. I love this piece. It is so understated and lovely. The matte finish of the thread is so complimentary to the large stitches. This is typical of the altar cloths I remember as a child. Hope you enjoy.

I want to introduce you to a new blog I found. Nellie Durand's work was featured in a book I recently read so I decided to google her. As luck would have it she is a blogger with her Nellie's Needles blog. To say she is very creative is an understatement. Her type of work is right up my alley and I really find her sense of color and creativity very inspirational. Hope you do too.

Today was crazy. DH and I are in the process of selling the business we have owned for the past 15 years. We are starting a new endeavor. Decisions like that keep one young after all! So today was running around, getting the documents all in order for our closing as well as getting ready for our trip. We will be leaving in the AM v. early for NH and Northern MA. We have lots to tend to business wise and also want to spend time with our children and grandchildren. So we will be down there till the weekend and hopefully will return with a fat check in hand! That is all background to the fact that I have maybe 5 more inches to hem on Twin Baby Girl's little toile outfit. I also have my completed linen pants sitting on the sofa waiting to be hemmed since Saturday. Its just been too crazy. I am hoping to get this all done when I return and then post the garments. Till then Sewistas,,,,Bunny


  1. That altar cloth is amazing!

    I was wondering how the toile dress was coming, I can hardly wait to see pictures...and the model, of course.

    Good luck with all your business endeavors; fat checks are always nice!

  2. Thank you for the lovely comments about my work ... past and present.

    Now, I can hardly wait to see and read about your beautiful work.

  3. You did a perfect job.
    Drink a Bailey's

  4. You did a perfect job.
    Drink a Bailey's

  5. Just a quick check in on a borrowed computer! All has gone well and the check has been deposited! So, a few more things to wrap up down here and then back to NY and posting again, probably around the weekend. Till then,...Bunny

  6. Congratulations!!!...

    and the linen is beautiful. I too would be tempted to open the grapes. It's like the "Do Not Press" red button!!!

  7. Hey, Bunny, are you home yet? I'm tagging you in the literary meme. You can read about it here.

  8. I think I've been following you around the blog world today leaving comments just in front or behind you. :) So I had to come see YOUR blog since I was your very own blog stalker. And I LOVE it! My mother has given me her huge collection of vintage and antique linens so we have that in common. I suppose I should photograph and share some of them. Nice to have found you. I'm off to add you to my bloglist. :)


  9. Thanks so much Charity. I have certainly followed your blog as well. Thanks for putting me on your list. You never know what you will find here as I do all sorts of sewing and appreciate any kind of needlework. So welcome, and thanks for stopping by!


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