Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Piped Raw Edge Organza Trim

I have decided that I need something to wear to a garden wedding in NH in two weeks. I am going to try my dangdest to get done an eyelet blouse with some nifty embellishments and some sort of grey skirt, not sure what type yet.

My eyelet is "pearlized" and I love it. It is a tinge of grey instead of snow white with the silvery eyelet threads. The eyelet has a silver sheen to it, hard to detect in the photos. I am duly inspired by vague memories of a blouse I saw a couple of months ago. I played with making trim samples this afternoon until we had to leave to meet friends. These "trim tries" are tryouts and not lessons in accuracy. I was looking for a way to outline a neckline that would trim it off and also allow for the unique closure I plan. I would have played with more and more samples but my fabric is limited and I did not want to cut into it too much more. I am big on samples.

So here were what I tried. I cut my organza strips on the bias. My next move was to cover white piping with the organza. Why? If I used white cording, it had a twist to it that showed thru the organza in a nasty fashion. On one sample I cut the SAs off the piping and wrapped it with the organza. On the other I left the SAs on. Then I worked up the two samples above. On the right hand sample I have the eyelet under and the piping/organza on top with the SAs cut off the piping. It is triple stitched up to the piping and the organza lays flat - not exciting. On the left sample, toward the bottom, I left the SAs on and topstitched the right edge of the SA of the enclosed piping fabric with a small zigzag. On the top end I left the organza unstitched to see how that one worked out. A strip of bias organza is VERY slightly gathered, folded on the gather line, and stitched to the base eyelet. I like that.
Then there was my next sample. This is the slightly gathered ruffled organza, folded in half, the organza wrapped piping, and a bias band. This I liked. I am thinking of running this around the neckline. So now that I have settled on the trim, its time to make a muslin. Muslin report up next post. ........Bunny

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