Sewing Vloggers

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rotary Cutter Accident

Those are three words that will put the fear of God into anyone! I was trimming the organza on my blouse and moved it into position and Zip! my finger was sliced, I swear the bone stopped it. Bleeding like a stuck pig, I immediately lifted it up and put hard pressure on it. Then I ran and got DH. He doctored me up and all is OK. I am not about to go get stitches as I just don't have the time! I think it will be fine. I do all my cutting out with a rotary cutter and this is the one and only time I have had an accident. I have been sewing since 6:30 this AM and its noon now so I think I was just getting tired. Time for a break.

This is what I have accomplished today. I did my loops for the closure. they are strips of bias organza double folded and inserted into a seam. I had to add the seam break there to accomplish this.
This blouse meets at center front with no overlap and a toggle closure. To prevent unnecessary peekaboo and also to have a place to install some snaps, I added this placket which will lay underneath the other side.
What looks like a stripper's boa is the bias cut organza trim. I stitched it down the middle and slightly gathered it. I first pinned it all to the blouse and then handbasted it into place.
As I handbasted it into place, I did so on the fold where the gathering line was. I like this pic because you can see the shimmer in the fabric. After this I went to the machine and stitched on that fold. Then I placed another row of the little flower trim over the fold all the way around the neckline and CF. I decided to trim back the trim making one layer shorter than the other but cutting both back. Then Cutzilla attacked me and my sewing binge was over.

And would you look at what a sewing angel dropped on my doorstep? How cool is that? The blue micro check is a great weight to make rompers for twin baby boy and would work wonderfully with the smocked insert I am working on for him. Love all the goodies! Thanks Sewing Angel...Bunny


  1. My rotary cutting accident didn't involve slicing a finger, but rather the felt of the pool table upon which I was (stupidly) cutting. Ran off the edge of my huge plastic cutting mat, just enough to leave hole in the plastic table cover, and in the very expensive felt. Almost got away with it, but DH caught the canceled check from the replacement company. Since then, I rarely use the rotary cutter unless I'm on a safer surface! The blouse looks beautiful, I love the eyelet. Hopefully I'll get some sewing done this holiday weekend!

  2. I feel your table's pain! I am hoping to put the sleeves in tonight.

  3. On second thought, you really should get your finger checked out. DH sliced his open (same finger!) Christmas morning, didn't need stitches, so disregarded medical attention. Ended up needing surgery to repair the tendon! No, we don't have much luck handling sharp objects in my house... Hope you are okay, and it's a good thing the sewing angel knew to drop off some fresh reading material!!!

  4. Ouch, ouch, ouch!

    Glad you'll like the fabrics; that mini check is heaven to work with and washes like a dream. It will be perfect for twin baby boy.

  5. I immediately thought, "ouch!". I've had a few sharp object mishaps and I do sympathize with you. The blouse is really coming along nicely. The loop detail is really elegant.

  6. Thanks for the sympathy, ladies. I am really OK and DH thinks so too, but it is throbbing a tad. I played with my skirt fabric on the dress form and will do an A-line with a back godet, I think. My fabric is a darker grey wool gauze, very sheer and certainly not what you would think of when I say wool. Forget wool and think gauze. Keep ya posted.

  7. OUCH ! Sorry to hear about your finger, I hate rotary cutters. I still have flashbacks of my 2 instances, 1 of which was pretty bad, thought I was going to loose my right thumb, try an epsom salt soak to speed healing and remove soreness. I think it is wonderful how you can make your clothes and such nice ones ! I am so glad I have found your blog, it is helpful and entertaining.

  8. I keep Epsom salts around for my tomatoes and peppers in the garden. I will have DH go out to the garden shed now and get it for me. Thanks Goodground, for that suggestion. Welcome to the blog and I am glad you are enjoying it. Hope you stop by often.

  9. oh no, I hope it mends quickly and with no ill effects.

  10. Ouch! I nearly sliced the tips of two fingers on my left hand a couple of years ago -- thirteen stitches, and they're still numb. I hope yours are mending well.

    The camisole is lovely -- I especially like that organza ruffle. I put a black one on a Marcy Tilton shirt recently, and loved the effect.

  11. "Blouse", I meant "blouse"! Not camisole.

  12. Been there, done that . . . OUCH!!!!

  13. I hope you are feeling much better now. I cut my index finger last week, while trimming embroidery threads !!! Go figure !! Keep up the good work :) Dana


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