Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jury Duty

I was recently called to jury duty and had to go serve this past week. I was so impressed with the way our judicial system works and it gave me a renewed respect for our constitution and the rights it protects. I hope you all get called to serve one day as it is quite fascinating.

Yesterday also made for the last business trip down to Mass and NH. It feels good to have that behind us as well. We did the five hours there and 5 hours back all yesterday so we are very happy that page in our history is finis.

Throw into the mix a visit all week from the in laws and you can imagine how hectic it has been. We finally told them we had to leave on business or we would still have company!

I hope to get posting back soon and am planning to show my new projects . I got a great deal of smocking done this past week. I smocked at the courthouse. I smocked in the car on the trip. And I smocked during the TV marathons our company would have . I have to tell you, I am not a TV person. I like a little bit, but it is never a source of using my energy very often. There is too much else to accomplish in life and I also hate sitting for extended periods. That car ride yesterday drove me nuts!
I love to take closeups of flowers in the garden and investigate the textures and colors. Its a great pikmeup in the dead of winter up here! I think the one above is called Speedwell. Please correct me if I am wrong. I am not to sure of the nomenclature.
Back to my sewing.............Bunny


  1. I'm not a TV person, either. I am always stitching something if I'm in the same room. I also tend to take projects with me to work on wherever I go, like you seem to do.

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing what's been keeping you busy. I love the smocking you do. It's so beautiful. I might even have to give it a try one day.

  3. Glad you like the smocking Sherril. I am on a quest to get it into more adult clothing and not have it just belong in the realm of children's wear.
    I keep plodding along with that goal.

    If you need any help, coaxing, or coaching when it comes to smocking, I am here for you. Just let me know. It is great fun and really quite easy.

  4. Thank you for serving on jury duty. There aren't many people who appreciate the privilage it is. I am anxious to see what you have in the works. I don't mind the TV I smock away in front of it. I sometimes "listen" to it more than I watch it. Makes D crazy, if he wants to watch it with me, he wants the room dark. I can stitch most anywhere, but not in the dark.


Engaging commentary:

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