Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Book Review on "See and Sew"

Maybe it's a Retro thing. Maybe it's a trigger to the wonderful memories of my grandmother's sewing with me as a small girl in the 50's. And maybe it is just a really strong desire to teach my grandaughter to sew. But I fell in love with this little book.

"See and Sew" by Tina Davis brings back the artwork found in primers and readers from the fifties. More than that, it is a clear, simple, real introduction to sewing for a child. There are chapters with headings like "Getting Ready to Sew" which can be read with Mom and understood by a three year old but also goes into enough depth for a nine year old. There are clear explanations of everything from thread and needle types to the importance of pressing. The projects are darling. They start with the little bag that we all made as a first project and go into egg cozies, embroidery cards (Remember those?), crosstitch and embroidery projects and much much more.

While I am enamored of the artwork, if I leave you with any thought on this little gem it would be that there is real substance here. This would make an excellent gift for a grandchild or favorite niece, along with the time to read with them and do some of the projects together. I purchased my book at Joanns, well hidden in the back of the book section, and used my 40% coupon. MSRP is 19.95.
Thumbs up on this one.


Thanks go out to Martha of Southern Matriarch for some lovely comments on her blog. Have a great time at convention. Wish I was there with you all.


The view from our living room window today is just incredible with the spectacular color show from Mother Nature. I hope to be back later with some pics for you. The sidebands of Kyle aren't stopping me!.........Bunny


Back from my rainy soujourn. Here is one from the family room window and the last one is a view of the Deer River which runs 100 feet from our back door. Autumn is so beautiful, even in the fog and rain.


  1. That's a great book - I like that it is spiral bound and will lay flat while working from it.

  2. Is it really autumn already?!

    Adorable book.

  3. I love your backyard views, Bunny!
    Thank you, too, for the heads up on that darling sewing book. I just added it to my JoAnn's shopping list.

  4. You are welcome, Rett. Thanks for checking in on the blog.


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