Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dang that HP!

I haven't posted much because of some computer problems the past two weeks. I will spare you the boring geek stuff, but if you have an HP(hate it!) you need to know that on certain models a total crash happens when the Service Pak 3 update is installed. This does not apply to all models. So, after a visit to the Geek Squad and their great retrieval of my files, I now need to re-install every bit of software into this newly naked hard drive. While this is a priority, particularly for our business, this has been one damn tight week. We have had a glorious weekend with company visiting and other "stuff" happening. As soon as I get my camera software all reloaded I will have pics up. The Autumn Bag is done and I am pleased. For my first felting attempt I think it is pretty good but definitely room for improvement. So bear with me gang, I will be back in the saddle soon. Blogs without pictures are just so blah. I do not want a blah blog!

I did take some fabulous pictures of the autumn colors and hope to get those up soon as well. Lata'............Bunny

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