Sewing Vloggers

Friday, March 27, 2009

My husband and I will have been married 39 years in a couple of weeks. To maintain such a relationship requires a lot of compromise, negotiation, and growth. We have been thru phases, as all married couples have. One of our more interesting phases was about a three year period when we followed Formula One racing. I know, I know. But such things maintain interest and keep you together. That racing phase is long gone but it did not go without leaving behind my racing attire. I made this jacket to wear to the first Formula One race at NHIS in NH. To say it turned a few heads that day is an understatement. I worked hard on it using woven patchwork and machine applique. The car design was inspired by a one inch picture I saw in a racing magazine ad. This has seen a lot of wear, is probably one of the strangest things I have ever made, and will be left for the ages to decide what the heck was I thinking. It's been tucked in the back of the closet for a long time and I thought in the spirit of my weekly throwback, I'd give it a press and share.


Smocking continues on Sophie's Toile. I am about a third of the way thru. Then it will be on to the bullions. There are roughly 40 bullion roses to do. I will save the most prominent area for the end for obvious reasons. I find I always have to do a LOT of practice bullions before starting on the garment.


I apologize for this last picture. Just consider it a test. At 6:30 this morning, daybreak, I looked out the dining room window and saw 4 deer in the back yard on the edge of the river. They hung a round for quite some time, nibbling here and there. Once was lame in one leg and did not look well. I had to take this pic in twilight thru the closed window. See if you can click to make it larger and find the four deer.....Bunny


  1. Good timing with the post! Today starts the opening of the Formula 1 season here in Melbourne. But I won't be going.

  2. That's a really cute car! And an action-packed yoke! Thanks for the smile!

    And congratulations on the 39 years; that's impressive!

    I can see 3 deer for sure, but am not sure about a 4th one....

  3. Love the jacket, Bunny. Formula One racecars, huh. Never would have suspected that. But I am envious that you and DH had/have hobbies to share together. Smart.

  4. Marvelous jacket. I imagine there was a lot of jacket envy wherever you wore it. I also see deer out my window, which is OK until they get on the highway.

  5. I LOVE that shirt!! Keep it, for sure! I tried taking up golfing for those marraige reasons, but that didn't stick.

  6. WOW! who needs an embroidery machine when one can satin stich like that!!! Awesome!
    Dh (he's originaly from Indiana) is a car racing fan. Doesn't really matter if it's Formula 1, or the other one (is it stock car?) Obviously, I'm NOT a fan. Can't really see the point of watching cars racing around in a circle. Now going to the track would maybe get me enthused.

  7. Wow, that's some commitment! To think that it graced little old NHIS, about 20 minutes from my house.

  8. I found 3 deer, haven't located the 4th.

    Congratulations on 39 years!!

    Cute shirt...


  9. Finally getting caught up on my blog reading--LOVE the nautical outfits! Can't wait to see how the toile dress turns out...I'm too chicken to tackle that many bullions! Congratulations on 39 years!


Engaging commentary:

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