Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, July 19, 2009

GWS - Smocking started!

I am smocking an insert for my GWS. I didn't want white floss or certainly not a color. After auditioning several colors I decided on a light khaki shade of floss. I had to rip out a row and a half due to a miscount. By the time I got two rows smocked, I hated it. It was way too much color. I wanted a more subtle look and something that would contrast with the white linen. More audtions and ecru floss was the result. Now I am happy. It gives a subtle pearl look to the smocking which is wanted as I MAY be adding some pearls to this design.

Cissie wanted to know where the smocking would be. I am thinking a waistline insert but perhaps more smocking in other places. Not sure yet. Like many designs I do, they evolve from the original concept as I start working on them. Nothing like seeing the real thing to put you in the proper perspective. And I love the freedom of changing my mind. Isn't that called "artistic expression"?


Nancy, thank you so much for the wonderful info on hydrangeas. It was very informative. Today is a cool cloudy day so gardening is on the agenda. My rasberries need attention badly and everything could use a dose of food or as one gardener said to me, "plant cocaine"......Bunny


  1. Bunny, I am looking forward this this creation! Your choice of the ecru floss is perfect and pearls would certainly contribute in the event you choose to use them. Way to go girl!


  2. I don't know how you can possibly beat the beautiful white shirt of last year, but I'm sure you will find a way with this one!

  3. I forgot, what does GWS stand for?

  4. That is going to be really beautiful when it is done. I can't wait to see the finished product!

  5. ooooh this looks interesting. Can't wait to see it evolve. I love the ecru with white. Always so classic looking. Your smocking as always is beautiful.

  6. The colors you chose give it such an old fashioned look which I think is lovely. The ideas and pictures of your creative endeavors inspire me! Thanks for sharing your newest smocking art!

    Julie (who loves smocked clothing for children)


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