Sewing Vloggers

Monday, September 7, 2009

An Answer

Unlike many of you, this wonderful, beautiful, perfect Labor Day weekend has been a NON sewing weekend. Hey, I'm entitled! We have had weekend after weekend of rain and cool weather for the entire summer till the past week and half. Labor Day Weekend has blessed with80ยบ days, crystal blue skies, no bugs, cool sleeping nights, and no wind, which we are famous for up here, all perfect weather to be outside. DH and I have gotten so much done. We fixed a major drainage problem in our back yard with gutters and a French drain, installed a really lovely sidewalk of large sandstones going from the front to the back door, and today I will be gardening. I will move hostas, bring my geraniums in for the winter, and clean up the beds. I may hit the nursery for some perennials to border my new walk today. It has been great work and very satisfying. As I told DH, we are always such a team when we work together in the garden. We really share the same vision.

On the last post Martha asked if I was using a home dec fabric. Yes, as you can see in the photo. I have used this fabric before and know it pleats up tightly but never had issues like I did with this dress. By accident yesterday I figured out why. I have a pretty good size walk in fabric closet and I keep often used items and a lot of other stuff pinned to the walls. On the wall was pinned my blocking pattern for a 3-6-12 month old size bishop. I pulled it off the wall and put it over the blocking pattern for the two year old bishop I am currently working on. The two year old bishop blocking guide was a good 1/4 inch smaller than that for a 3 month old! The two year old guide is the one included in Gail Doane's book "Cute Couture". So beware if you are using this book for patterns. It's a great book design wise but double check your fit on the patterns. If anyone out there has experience with this situation please let me know.

What I did next was use the 3 month old blocking guide and make the collar "hole" nearly 1/2 an inch larger. That coupled with reducing the fullness solved the problem. Oy....

The fabric is just a little heavier than normal cotton, not thin like a quilting cotton and I really like the look it has of being linen when it doesn't have the price or wrinkling issues of linen. I am so glad all this pleating business is behind me and I can get on to the fun part.

Very early yesterday I did manage to clean my basement "back sewing room" and go thru all of Ima's "stuff" and at least get it sorted. These boxes you see are oak DMC embroidery boxes used in retail years back. They weigh a ton. Inside are all bias bindings, tons of them, and a few trims. I love these boxes and am trying to think of how I can work them into my small sewing room. They are really attractive. She just pointed to them and told my husband to load them up. I have yet to go thru the insides, but I really love them.
At this point I fear I am appearing boastful. I am not. That's not my style. I just want to share this blessing my friend shared with me, so please humor me. I know if one of you were in the same situation I would love to see every detail. I also feel it gives homage to a fabulous sewist that I so respect. Seeing how she ruled her sewing world and treasured her "resource center" is something I enjoy sharing. In one of the bags I also found a slip pattern with some gorgeous silk folded and laying on top. Don't we all have those good intentions? I think I will make this slip. I am blessed that we are both petite and pretty much the same size so all of her patterns should fit.


  1. Oh Bunny, there is NO WAY any of us who *know* you from years of posting could ever think you were being boastful at all over these special gifts. I am thrilled to get a peek, through your blog, into Ima's wonderful collection of STUFF! Thanks for sharing it with the sewing world & for the pattern sizing info, too. :-)

  2. I agree. I haven't been reading your blog for long (have enjoyed it ever since I found it though), and I have the impression that you are thrilled to bits with your 'inheritence'. As well you should be - it looks great! Like the rest of your blog, it gives me inspiration of what I might one day achieve. Thanks!

  3. I love to see the things you have received from your friend. Envious? You betcha'! I love those embroidery boxes filled with trims. You are the perfect person to have those trims, and you will use them on your beautiful smocked and heirloom garments. Have fun!

  4. Lucky, lucky you! Those are some beautiful sewing stuff you inherited. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Not boastful at all! I'm thankful that you're willing to photograph and share these pretty treasure with us. You never know how they will inspire someone else.

  6. Not boastful at all! Thankyou for sharing :))

  7. Those boxes are beautiful. One can never have too much bias tape. I can't wait to see what else you have to share.

  8. Not bragging at all! Actually it is thrilling to see what you received!

  9. Bunny, thank you so very much for sharing your treasures with us. I am following along and learning so much about organizing.


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