Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Pendleton Bag, un fait acompli

Not sure I spelled the French correctly. I had more fun photographing this bag,. It is just doggone photogenic, so bear with the multiple pictures.
This is Simplicity 2357 and it is very easy to make. In my last couple of posts you have seen the changes I made to the pattern. Basically a few construction upgrades and a design decision to use "prairie points" for the bias edge. I definitely plan to start another bag like this, different fabric, very shortly. It just went that fast.
This bag is ripe for some personal creativity and would make a great holiday gift. I have decided to give this one to DD#2 for her birthday next week. She has a grey wool jacket very similar to mine that will go great with the bag.
Details:  Pattern is Simplicity 2357 View A

              Fabric is Pendleton wool, two were cut yardage and the third was from a plaid kilt. All       
              came from my friend Ima's legacy.

              Lining is Taupe colored Kasha, a heavy flannel backed satin, generally used for luxury       
              coating. Where it came from who knows.

              The interfacing is fusible fleece from, aaaccck, Pellon. It is the only product they make
              that I don't despise.. It adds a lot of bulk to this bag. but it needed that.

Now it is time to finish the BM jacket. I am just going to use a double linen collar and try to get it in the Natural Fiber contest on PR. Then  it will be more winter sewing...Bunny


  1. Hi Bunny....that bag is delightful..I read with interest that you 'dislike' Pellon products..I wondered why and what would you suggest as a replacement?

  2. Beautiful bag! Your daughter should be excited to receive such a special gift.

  3. That's a terruific bag, Bunny. I like how you incorporated prairie points. Very nice. But--what's the deal with the bottles on the tree? It has some sort of drinking problem?

  4. Wow! This is such a cute bag and so very different. I love it!

  5. The bag looks very nice and I like your material choice. Those bottles tress are often seen here in the south. It is a tradition to catch "Haints" aka ghosts or spirits in the bottles and keep them out of the house. Or show off your pretty bottle collection :)

  6. Bottle trees not bottle tress--it's early ok?

  7. Great bag! Will look fabulous with the grey coat.

  8. It's a perfect gift for DD, she will love it!

  9. Love it - I love that you left the tag on the plaid, too.

  10. Magnificent and unique! Very well done, Bunny!


Engaging commentary:

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