Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Being a mother is the most important job in the world. Being a grandmother is the best job in the world. Until you have had grandchildren you can not know, really. It brings a joy that can't be described but that every other grandmother knows as well. It is so totally different from being a Mom, apples and oranges. Being a grandmother is simple. It is easy. It can make you  more physically exhausted  than an iron man competition, but leave you exhilarated and joyful at the same time. It teaches you to not sweat the small stuff. You really learn what is important in life. It is truly God's reward. I am very very blessed with our 5 healthy grandchildren and thank God every night for that. The holidays are made so much more special with their presence. 

In the past two weeks I have indulged. I have spent the time making American Girl doll clothes for my Sophie. I have forgotten the joy that simple act of sewing can bring. As a child I made doll clothes with a vengeance. For my own children, I was just too busy, sad to say. There were a lots of struggles in a lot of ways in those early years. But now I can make doll clothes to my hearts content. If something isn't perfect, no matter. Sophie will still love it and never know the difference.  Making dolly clothes is certainly like eating potato chips, you just can't eat one and you have to see the bottom of the bag. Every time I foresee just a few minutes, I start another little outfit. Here are just a few of the things I have made, just a few.
I love this little plaid coat with the cut on sleeves and beret. I put some soutache on the hem and collar. All of the garments got real buttons and buttonholes, not snaps and a fake out button as the pattern usually recommends.
This reminds me of the little coat Natalie Wood wore in the Miracle on 34th Street. I made a fringed scarf and the beret to go with it.

This dress was a lot of work. I used bias ruffles for the petticoat. It reminds me of a mini version of the popular "Feliz" pattern. The sleeves and hem have gathered tulle on the edges.

This little top has matching pants and also coordinating jeans made from Grandpa's old jeans. I did a tiny fly on them and an appliqued heart. This looks like something Sophie herself would wear.

I made several other pieces too, nightgown, dresses, and today's effort an outfit very similar to one I myself wore as a child. It has a silk velvet skirt (!), silk dupioni cumberbund, and a topstitched linen blouse, all made this afternoon! I am just reveling in this fun and plan to continue after the holidays with some more jammies and a chenille robe.

Thanks for indulging this grandma.
I've also managed to finish two more Noriko bags. I really like these. They are more substantial  than previous efforts. Hope you like......we have first an animal print tapestry with the silk houndstooth and a big wooden button. 
Next bag is made of a variety of Pendleton plaids with another big wood button.

I am keeping these two for myself! I haven't made one yet for myself and I could use a new bag.

 Our weather warmed up to near 30 º the past couple of days and DH took advantage to make paths all over our property with the snowblower. He even plows a path through the woods to our dear friends on the other side. We both make lots of use of this path and have walked home on it many a night in below zero weather, a flashlight leading the way and usually after a great night of friendship.

Now it is time to close up shop for a couple of weeks. We will be traveling to NH, MA and particularly Cape Cod. I can't wait to see the grandchildren's faces on Christmas morning. I wish you the same joy , no matter what your holiday celebration may be. God bless you all and your families, safe driving,  and see you in the New Year.......Bunny


  1. Beautiful doll clothes. DD is getting the bitty twins and I so want to be making her some doll clothes -- but the older kids' fleece robes are easy but time-consuming. I'm looking forward to getting to the doll clothes. Have fun celebrating Christmas

  2. OMW!!! The doll clothes are TDF! LOVE the plaid coat and I'd LOVE to see the scarf and beret to go with it - how darn CUTE!

  3. Sophie is such a lucky girl! Love the doll clothes, you're attention to detail on those tiny little garments blows me away!

    Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, dear friend! Safe travels...

  4. Bunny, your sewing projects are just wonderful. Sophie, one of these days she will realize just how fortunate she is to have you for a grandmother. Beautiful, beautiful doll clothes. I still remember a beautiful ball gown my grandmother made for my similar to AG doll. She even put rhinestone sets on the skirt. Never, will I forget that doll dress!

    Thanks for sharing,

  5. Bunny, the doll clothes are beautiful. I recognize some of the fabric from garments you have made in the past. It's fun to get to use up little bits of trim and leftover fabric on projects like this.
    I agree, being a grandma is great fun. You are a blessing to your grandchildren.

  6. Now that I am a grandma I can certainly agree with you - it's the best thing ever! Your doll clothes are absolutely lovely and I can't wait until my granddaughter is old enough for an AG doll. Wait a minute! I can start sewing for one now! Have a wonderful Christmas with your lovely grandchildren.

  7. The doll clothes are beautiful. Truly beautiful. Your grandchildren are very lucky to have a grandmother like you. You demonstrate art,skill,discipline,and love.

  8. What beautiful doll clothes and what lucky grandchildren :)

  9. Bunny, thank you for sharing yourself and your family with us via this blog. All the best for the holidays and the new year!

  10. Your doll clothes are just precious. I agree -- they are so addictive. I can't wait to see more.

  11. The doll clothes are just adorable, what a lucky little girl to have those to cherish, made for her by grandma, doesn't get any better then that.
    As you know, I love how you share yourself so we feel like we really know Bunny.


  12. My sisters and I still have all the Barbie clothes and 18-inch doll clothes my grandmother made for us. We had the best-dressed dolls around. It is a blast from the past to see those old 1960s Barbie outfits. Make sure your kids put these away for safekeeping.

  13. Oh, I know the bliss of Grandchildren. I have never had so much fun. 2 boys and 1 girl, who will be getting her first AG Doll from Santa this year. So, I see doll clothes in my future. That is how I started my sewing and now Peyton will learn sewing with Grams. I can't wait. Merry Christmas and God Bless.

  14. Lucky Sophie! They are so cute. Wishing you a very happy Christmas with your family.

  15. What cute dolls clothes - they're fun to make! Good for you for keeping a new purse or two, it would be hard for me to make all those and not make one for myself. Yes, my husband does that, too. Not that we have any snow to move right now. Sigh.

    Have a Merry Christmas!

  16. My niece got an American Girl doll several weeks ago. I was happy to make clothes as a Christmas present for her. My own daughter was more into sports and science than dolls, so I'm glad I have the opportunity to sew doll clothes. Your examples are truly inspirational!!!

  17. ~~Safe Travel~~ Bunny! I just know you'll have a wonderful Christmas, surrounded by family especially all those sweet grands!

    The little doll clothes are amazing. You put the same effort & detailed workWOMANship into them as you do all your beautiful things. She will be thrilled!

    ALL the purses look fantastic & I'm glad you're keeping some of them for yourself. I used to have a rule that the first thing I made in the new year was something for myself. Somehow that got forgotten over the years. LOL

    Merry Christmas, my sweet sewing friend & a blessed New Year, too!


  18. Hi Bunny.- Only wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. My best wishes for another year full of happy sewing ...!!!

  19. Bunny, the doll clothes are out of this world, so magnificent. I love making doll clothes and have made several outfts this year for the Bead Journal Project. After the holidays I plan to make lots more outfits. Have a wonderful time with your children, grandchildren and friends. Merry Christmas to all of you and a healthy and happy New Year too. Gita

  20. I agree very much with your description of being a grandmother! Very cute doll clothes.

  21. Popping by to say I'm thinking of you, stuck in this awful snowstorm! I'm hoping you intended to stay awhile in one place. Travel looks miserable!
    Just wanted you to know you were on my mind.

    Be safe, Bunny!!

  22. I think your plaid coat is beautiful.

  23. So cute clothess ;)


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