Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Vogue 8682

This top is made from Vogue 8682 and I will definitely make it again. (Excuse the tiny copyright across the bosom. I couldn't get it out). With the holidays looming and the need for something a little dressy I tried to squeeze in this construction before Christmas and almost made it. All that remained were the hems but sometimes you have to know when to let something go. So it was put away until yesterday when I finished the hems. They were all prick stitched. The neckline was prick stitched with tiny beads. The beads  are quite greenish , not really evident here. 

I purchased the fabric about 5 years ago from the Fix in New Hampshire. It is silk velvet, one of those elusive fabrics, but I was lucky to happen upon it when I did and scoffed it right up. I love distressed velvets. I like their soft drape, the luminosity they acquire and how the lushness  seems to oomph up from regular velvet. I think I have distressed all the velvets in the stash because of those qualities. How? Just simply throw them in the washer, wash warm, regular, and throw them in the dryer. DON'T do this with anything linty like a towel. Remove immediately unless you want permanent creases, which can be a look as well. I think once you try this you will love the results. It sort of "casualizes" the velvet. This top looks great with blue jeans 

The pattern is a Very Easy Very Vogue, 8682. I love VEVV patterns. They have a lot of style, very few pieces and can really give some quick gratification. I did make a muslin first. As you can see this is a dress pattern so all I needed to do was shorten the zipper and the length. No further adjustments were needed. I always shorten zippers and if you are near five feet tall, you need to be shortening your zippers too. The zip was put in by hand and a prick stitch was used there as well. I think I will get a lot of use from this top and look forward to making more of them with some of the knits I have stashed. This is not a specifically knit pattern. Recommended fabrics are crepe back satin, double knits, and stretch wovens.
Yesterday my husband called me out to see how one of our bird feeders had a chickadee stuck inside. Poor little thing went for the last remaining seeds inside the tube and couldn't get out. This has never happened before.

Here he is getting ready to take the chickadee out of his prison. You all don't know my husband but I am serious when I say those who know him call him St. Francis. He has an amazing way with animals and they really respond to his kindness. He does look a bit like St. Francis, doesn't he?.......Bunny


  1. Great top! Love the color, and I never think to consider my dress patterns as tops!

  2. Great top , love the color....and eerily so......that is Saint Francis.........

  3. Exquiste top! I love the tip for distressing the velvet. I always feel it is too dressy. With this technique the velvet becomes denim friendly.

  4. I love the top! And the silk velvet. I especially like the details you added.

  5. Lovely top. I'll have to try your tip about prewashing velvet. I have a few pieces that I keep saving "for something special", mainly because of the care factor. It would be nice to use those for something that I really would wear. Thanks!
    I'm sure the chickadees are happy that St. Francis is there to look out for them!

  6. Fantastic top, the fabric is gorgeous.

  7. Lovely top. The beading is a fantastic idea. Thanks for sharing it!

  8. Love that top on you Bunny. Color is fabulous.

  9. What a pretty top! Hey, you're ahead of the game for next Christmas now! Only I wouldn't wear the copyright with it unless you want everyone reading your bosom!

  10. I love the top/beading. The color suits you. Aww your husband is an angel. The poor little bird. Yikes.

  11. Oh, just lovely and rich! Love the beaded hemming.

  12. Beautiful! Love the tiny beads, outstanding job!


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