Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Felted Clutch Bag, B5576

This sad lump of fabric was a Geiger inspired jacket out of a wool I purchased from Sawyer Brook way way back in the early 80's when they were in Amherst , NH., really! I bought this when the original owners of SB ran the store, a small operation focusing on a mail order catalogue more than retail. Anyhoo, these jackets were all the rage back then and I did wear this a lot to work. On a recent closet purge I decided to take off the buttons, rip out the lining,  and throw the whole thing in hot water in the washer and dryer. It felted, to say the least. The way you see it here it might fit my 6 year old granddaughter. Enter the next project!
I have been wanting to try a clutch type bag for some time. While they are obviously pretty simple, this bag goes about it a bit differently than most I have seen and I can't wait to start. I cut the jacket apart and ironed out the pieces. There was enough to make the bag. It has you line the flap with the fashion fabric. I will use lining instead. What view will I do? I guess you could say the one with the bow. But mine won't have a bow. I think and hope it will be something prettier. I will be using this and this.

More intrigue tomorrow!
in fields and gardens. They can be found on shrubs, tall plants, and flowers.
Somebody knows how to sew here! This hefty bugger has created a large web amongst my hosta bed. It's a she and she's an inch and a half long. Her name is "Black and Yellow Argiope". The males are smaller and they are the ones that do the zigzag stitching across her web. Wonder what that is all about. Aren't her markings amazing?

Thanks for all your feedback on the top. I will definitely make it again. I have been wearing it all day and its very comfortable and looks good with my white jeans. Your comments are always so appreciated...Bunny

The web of this spider spirals out from the center and can be two feet across. The female builwhite silk.


  1. I can't wait to hear more about your felted handbag! Making handbags is my THING. Love the knit top and hearing all about the sewing of it.

  2. P.S. Is that a circle cutter????

  3. That IS a circle cutter! Can't wait to see the clutch develop.

  4. OMG, I didn't think that spider was real at first. It has amazing markings and coloring.

    I bet that will be great clutch!

  5. I look forward to seeing your completed felted clutch. It is good to watch from afar on this it will be the only way that I will make one...vicariously through I am allergic to no wool felting projects for me. I will enjoy yours, though...though it makes me itch thinking about it! lol I'm trying to guess just how you will use the circle cutter! I have something in mind!

    And, what a great spider picture!

  6. Cute spider...look at her "eyes"! I am looking forward to seeing the cute turquoise clutch.

  7. Oh goodf--an art project! Feltedf fabric is wonderful to work with. Hummm, so you're cutting circles and doing applique? Flowers? I just bought the Zippered Melvie Tote pattern from HotPatterns, which is on sale. I like the shape of it, it's size and the zippered top. Also, going to get B5147 that Debbie Cook has been making recently. I can't wait to see what you're doing!

  8. Interesting coloring on the spider, she blends in with the hosta.
    Your clutch will be gorgeous. Love the fabric, most of my felting has been unintentional a washing malfunction.

  9. Every year I get a huge garden spider in my hostas too! Her name every year is "Janelle" (she just seems like a "Janelle"). I love her; she is quite the artiste.

  10. I'm calling this one "Aggie", a nod to her botanical name of Argiope. Everyday I check her as she is right out in the open off the front porch. I haven't seen the male yet but the zigzag is sign of his presence. I'm not goint to go weeding under the Hostas as he is probably ensconced close by.

  11. Bunny, we had one of these spiders a few years ago and we so enjoyed watching for weeks. She laid a humongous egg sack and appeared to be growing another batch. We even saw the male one time, as well as his zig-zag webbing (some think that is for reinforcement.) Then one day, the whole thing disappeared. We don't know what happened. Wonder if the adults died, ala Charlotte's Web, and maybe something ate the egg sacks. Birds, maybe? The web was gone, too....a mystery.

  12. From what I've read they will stay and then the first frost will kill the adults. The egg sack stays till the next spring and will hatch then. Then at the next frost those will die. Short but impressive life cycle!

  13. I have heard that spider nicknamed "writing spider". They will occasionally change the pattern as some insects will come to recognize the web. I have no idea how...


Engaging commentary:

Close to being stumped with this one!

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