Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Peak Color in the Adirondacks

Last night we came back from NH to peak color up here on the Northern border. It is just breathtaking. It was getting close to dusk when the pictures were taken but they are still brilliant. This morning they are even more so.  Humor me with this fall pictorial. 

This was the view from the dining room window.  The Deer River is in the background and running typically low for this time of year. 

Above is the path to my BFF's house. 

It was an incredibly gorgeous weekend weatherwise and the kids spent every moment possible in the pool. Sophie and I did get one project going, a gingerbread haunted house. DD and I also looked at furniture, window treatment snoop shopped, and discussed a lot of decorating for her new home. The master bath may be next.

Another beautiful day was spent in Boston at the Boston Athletic Association half marathon. DD#1 and DSIL both ran and finished respectably. DD was not in it to win it , but finish, but came in with the middle of the 7000 racer pack with a 2:15 time. She was able to raise 3000.00 for Dana Farber Cancer Center.  DSIL did really well with a 1:40 time. Their children cheered them on with shouts and cowbells and had a ball. We are so proud of them and look forward to another half marathon in New Bedford in the spring. Don't all devoted  parents of twins and a single, working more than full time, run half marathons?


Today it is back to serious fun with some work on decorating the cave as well as starting Sophie's Christmas dress. We worked out our toile and I am ready to cut and start smocking. This design is out of my head so it needed to be draped on her to be worked out and it was. More to come..Bunny


  1. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous Fall pictures. We don't get any leaf color here in Houston but I grew up in St Louis so I remember and miss my favorite season. I'm anxious to see your next sewing project.

  2. OMG. I love love love fall. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous pics.

  3. Wow! Those are some great looking photos of fall leaves. I wish we were up at the cabin (my hubbies sisters place) so I could get some pictures like that. Thanks for sharing those!

  4. Brilliant color! The color in our mountains is better than where I live, but over the last few days our color has improved, so I think we'll peak over the next week.


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