Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It's been a while!

It's been almost a month since we last hooked up. Lets see what's been going on.

  • A long weekend spent watching grandchildren while Mom ran the BAAA half marathon in Boston for Dana Farber. We are so proud of her. Her goal is always to finish and stay healthy and she more than met her goal, coming in, in a field of 7000 runners at two hours, 20 minutes. And while she was running her heart out her darling son got a broken arm while playing with his cousins  and we all spent the next crazy 8 hours in Boston Children's Hospital. Grandma hadn't ridden in an ambulance in a long time. That EMT was cute.
  • Next weekend was spent in the White Mountains with an amazing celebratory weekend for DD's milestone birthday. Hey, if I tell you which one you'll start doing my math! Her hubby threw an incredible party that included two gorgeous B&Bs, hiking Mt. Cardigan, a gumbo party at their almost built new camp, fireworks, lots of great close friends and family and it all was a total surprise. It was wonderful. 
  • DH an I both got a two week long flu, very nasty but we are finally better. Naturally he will tell you his was way worse than mine.
  •  Do you know how bad your house, laundry and cleaning gets if you have been dog sick for two weeks and away from home another two weeks? 
  • Did you ever make Halloween costumes amid all that? One angel outfit Fed Xed to New Hampshire. One very happy little grandaughter.  
  • Did you ever put in an entire new septic system under these conditions? Now besides having disorder in the lower level of the house our yard looks like a hell hole witha white plastic pipe sticking out of it. "We'll seed in the spring" says hubby. 
  • Let's add in my wonderful full time job which I wouldn't pass up for anything.  
  •  Of course the lovely floor we picked out is on back order till mid November. We will be lucky if our home is back in order for Christmas. Christmas, oy,,,,,,,

So that is the gist of it all. You all know I do not do well in disorder. I've had the best intentions, and gone down to my cave many times but just couldn't handle the mess/stress. I took this past weekend shuffling things around and making believe my sewing room was back on line. Now I at least know where things are and won't have to use up 45 minutes hunting for my bead box. So, now I am back feeling the sewing love, back to having a bit more time, I hope, and back to blogging. I missed you all and have lots to show and tell.I am hoping for a shot of my granddaughter in her angel outfit but in the meantime here it is in the messy closet. 

DD sent me a little knit dress in the mail and asked if I could copy it exactly as it was a perfect fit, oh, and make it look like an angel. Sophie will wear a white turtleneck and leggings underneath and she will sport wings and a halo thanks to Target. This daughter of mine has a Pinterest board, "Things I want my Mom to make". Really....The edge is bias poly sheer with sparkly little dots all over it. That bias saved me a lot of aggravation. I didn't even gather it. I just kept shoving it under the presser foot. But I met the deadline, DGD is happy, and so is Mom. 

It was truly guerrilla sewing.

I have been working on the Koos bag now that life is a bit easier. More to come on those crazy buttonholes.
Thanks for your patience, kind wondering emails, and being a follower of this blog. I appreciate each and every one of you all.....Bunny

I leave you with a pic I took this morning, the day after the Perfect Storm. I walked out the door to go to work and there it all was, including the geese.


  1. What a month you've had, Bunny! Your angel dress is very cute. What a grammie to get it done despite everything!

  2. Holy moley! I'm tired just thinking about that. Glad that you survived with your sense of humour intact. Good for you for getting the dress done - thank goodness my teenage boy wanted a store bought costume this year. I don't think I've sewn a stitch since school started....I'm a teacher.
    Hang in and stay well!

  3. Sounds like you have had quite a month! I have a hard time sewing in chaos also! Love the cute little angel dress and can't wait to see the jacket with the cotton velvet! Jodie, I am a teacher too and getting sewing done during the school year is a continual challenge!

  4. Glad to read your blog again. I checked 3 times a day every day to see if you had posted. Hoped nothing serious had happened. So glad you are finally well in body and spirit in spite of the past month. May I ask what is your job you love so much. Love the angel costume.

    1. Fran, I work in a library. I process books, get to see all the new books, take them out and read them first, discuss them with patrons and even read if things are slow at my desk. We have community programs that I am involved in as well. I work with a wonderful group of women that really make every day I go to work a very pleasant one. And our library is a gorgeous classic type of library, right out of Harry Potter. So it is a wonderful atmosphere as well.

      Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts. It's really appreciated.

    2. That library sounds great! I am truly glad that you are back and feeling much better too. What a month indeed :)

  5. That last picture and the Perfect Storm tell us, without a doubt, that someone else is in charge! Glad you're back...

  6. You work in a library, my childhood dream job !!! not joking, as a little one I thought that seemed like a lovely way to spend adulthood, reading etc. plus they used to use the ink date stamp which every kid loves to play with.
    Glad to hear you are feeling better and hope everything gets back to ship-shape on the home front very soon.

  7. Glad you are doing better. I think we were all worried about you. Also glad to hear you didn't have too much serious damage from Sandy (you've got enough already). Halloween costume is very cute!

  8. Love the rainbow after the storm picture! I don't like disorder either. By the time things get back to "normal" the holiday season will be in full swing- yikes! The Angel dress is sweet. I bet your granddaughter is thrilled.

  9. Glad you're doing ok, now that all the storms of life seem to be calming down! Funny you should mention Mt. Cardigan; I work on the trail crew there, maintaining the 20+ miles of trails on that mountain.

    1. Wow, that's great. It wasn't an easy hike that day and not everyone made it to the top. Lots of slippery granite at the end. Great hearing from you, Summerset.

  10. Long-time lurker here--What a blessing the rainbow and geese are at this time! So glad you're back--missed reading your blog and wondered if you were OK. I grew up in Mass and NJ and am mourning the damage to my beloved Atlantic coastline, esp. the beach at Misquamicut, RI. Glad you didn't get an early snow from Sandy! (Sounds ludicrous)

  11. So happy that you're feeling better. Eventually, the mess will also go away and it will be a distant memory. The costume is just too cute. You created more than a dress, you created memories for a special little girl.

  12. When it rains, it pours! Glad to know you've survived all of the chaotic-ness. And, after all of it, ending in a rainbow! Stay well.

  13. What a lovely surprise to see your blog post - like some of the others I checked to see if I had missed something (sometimes work takes over + travel and do miss some posts)so now have the full picture for your absence.

    Glad you are feeling better and that your sewing mojo is returning (with the order to your household)- bet your DGG loved her little outfit (what a great GM you are)

    best wishes

  14. So glad you are well and back in touch with all of us!

  15. I'm so glad you're feeling more up to snuff. Lots of people seem to have dropped off the blogosphere lately. Glad to see you're back.

  16. I look forward to reading your blog. Glad you are back, healthy and ready to start blogging again.

  17. So nice to hear from you again--and what a month! You've been missed. Elle


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