Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, March 23, 2013

I've Had It!!!

OK, I am dealing with an ill hubby, a quite ill hubby, and his situation is very time consuming. I also work full time. I also have this passion called sewing that keeps my sanity. AND TODAY I HAD TO SPEND AN HOUR CLEANING UP THE SMUT ON MY BLOG.

In my rage I've decided to nix anonymous comments. All the crap was posted anonymously. I am so sorry about this though as I know many of you post anonymously and politely leave your name in your comments. But I just don't have the time to do this housecleaning right now like I have in the past. I really appreciate your understanding.

Now, if you don't have a blog but still want to post your comments you can sign up for a blog and just never do anything with it., no commitment. It will give you access to all the blogs on blogger no problem and there will be no need to post anonymously. I am really sorry for this change as I value each and every one of you and so enjoy all your commentary which sometimes is brilliant, other times pithy, and even other  times hilarious.

Thank you so much for your understanding. Back to sewing in the next post.......Bunny


  1. You have every right to feel that way ... I do not admit anonymous comments on my blog, either ... people who want to open a profile comment and move on ... I pity you ... one sick husband can be very stressful!

  2. I am so sorry to hear this. We have had to change things many times on ES to keep those comments off.
    I hope things get better for you.
    Hugs, nonie

  3. I had to do the same thing awhile back - those unwanted comments are just pathetic. Hope that hubby will be on the mend soon. You certainly have your hands full at the moment.
    Hang in there...J

  4. I am sorry to hear that your husband is still not well. I HEAR you on the completely annoying spam. As you know, I turned off anonymous comments a week or so ago. It is HEAVEN. Since that time I've received only 3 or 4 spammy comments. A far sight better than the 30 or 40 per day I was receiving.

    Take care and I hope things improve soon!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's illness, I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers! Too much stress, and to have it added to by something so unnecessary... I hear your frustration! Hang in there, Bunny, we're all behind you, no apologies needed.

  6. Sending hugs and prayers for your hubby. Understand completely about the spam. I denied anon posting awhile back. It does reduce the number of valid comments received. Regrettable, but that seems to be the trade-off. For me, I'm OK with owning my remarks. I will continue to read and provide feedback. But the only option available at the moment, is a Google account.

  7. I am so sorry that you have a sick husband. I hope he is better soon. I don't have a blog, but I think I can comment since I have a gmail account. I am very grateful for your lovely blog and all the lovely things you share as well as your lessons on how to do things. I hope all is better soon for you.

  8. Bunny, I hope your husband is feeling better soon! I turned off anonymous comments years ago AND any post that's over 7 days has moderated comments. That's where I normally catch a spam comment or two. I'm sure this will help alleviate your problem!

  9. Bunny - I am sorry to hear of your husband's illness and I hope he gets better soon. No one should have to deal with the crap that some idiots like waste time on but especially when you are dealing with a sick loved one. All the best.

  10. Bunny, completely understandable and hopefully you will now get your sewing time back as well as genuine and cheery comments! I for one really enjoy your blog, tutorials and creativity. Sorry to hear your husband is not well, and hope things get better soon for both of you. Sewing is a lovely way to relax :)

  11. I hope that turning off the anon feature buys you some moments to do something nice for yourself amid the chaos--make a cup of tea, read a few pages of a truly guilty pleasure, paint your nails just for the fun of it. Feel better soon...both of you!

  12. I'm so sorry that your husband is ill. I hate it when my husband is not feeling well. It seems as though a cloud has moved over the entire house. Hopefully the sun will be shining in your home very soon. I'll say a special prayer at mass tonight:)

  13. Bunny, I hope your husband gets well soon! I love your blog and enjoy each one of your posts. So sad that some people feel the need to ruin it with their crap.

  14. Bunny, I am sorry to hear that your husband is ill and on top of that you have to deal with unwanted comments on your blog, taking you away form your sewing time, I enjoy reading your blog and have learned a lot from you. happy sewing

  15. So sorry to hear about your husband. I hope that his health improves soon. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog and seeing your process. I did as your post suggested (created a blogger account) a while ago and just haven't done anything with it.
    Take care and hopefully you have more time for more fun/interesting/relaxing pursuits!

  16. You have so many supporters and followers and people who feel they know you and love you. When one of us in the blogging family is suffering or dealing with an ill loved one, we all feel it. Please don't feel under any pressure to produce a new post until YOU are ready and your husband is stable.

  17. First, I hope that Mr. Bunny experiences a speedy and complete recovery.
    Second, I was away from my blog for a while and saw that I was receiving some spammy comments; I just didn't feel up to dealing with it. So I hear ya about that issue. Now that I'm back, I need to change my settings. I hope that the option "Registered User - includes OpenID" will work.
    Third (this should be second), thank you so much Bunny for sharing your sewing adventures with us. I have learned how time- and work-intensive writing tutorials can be, so I have an even greater appreciation for you (and I appreciated you A LOT before I started my own blog)!
    Fourth, I hope that these changes free up a bit of your time to do what you love. Blessings to you and your husband!

  18. sending my wishes for a speedy recovery to your husband. Hang in there and do some relaxation sewing :)

  19. Good wishes to your husband and hope he has a recovery soon. Take care of you, too. Caregivers have a load to carry. I've had spam comments too. It's so annoying.

  20. I hear ya! I have the "bots" running amok on my blog and I just don't get it - what's the purpose? clog up my blog? what will that ever accomplish - good and/or bad?.... like me spending more time takes away what from the universe? I'm lost!

  21. Most of the bots don't get through but some do and some of them are actually pretty nasty. Most are just irrelevant with a read my website or sell you something on their website. Do they think that this is an effective way of marketing? It makes me angry and I am about to limit anonymous posts on my blog as well.
    Good wishes to your husband and to you.

  22. I have been deleting spam every day on my blog so can understand how annoying it is for you.

    I hope your hubby gets better soon, and you restore you sanity too.

  23. I wish a speedy recovery for your husband. Anxious to hear about your next project.

  24. Just wanted to let you know you are supported and hope that things get better. HUGs to you.

  25. I wish your husband better soon.
    I think you had no choice but to turn the anonymous comments off. It's a shame, but there is no other practical solution.

  26. I used to have a problem with spam comments, but when I switched to Wordpress, it comes with a spam filter. I also moderate comments, which allows me to catch the very few comments that don't get filtered out and delete them before they are seen.

    I hope your husband gets well soon!

  27. I do hope your husband recovers quickly.


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