Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Goin' Bloglovin!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I've just claimed my blog! I think I am understanding this all. You can now follow me on Bloglovin. I really like the look of their reader, very clean and easy on the eyes. I think this will work out fine. I will put up a Bloglovin button shortly in the sidebar.

My computer has been down with a virus for a few days and we just got it back. I had nightmares that it wouldn't be fixed until after the google reader death and I would lose all of you precious, very appreciated readers. Thanks for sticking with me. If you would like to follow you blogs on Bloglovin and haven't signed up go here:

If you are following me and other blogs on Google reader, which will be disappearing Monday, you can now follow all of the same blogs through Bloglovin. It's easy. You need to do the changeover before Monday or you will lose all of your blogs that you follow. Happy weekend!...Bunny


  1. Speaking of disappearing, my comment did just that! Thanks for this post; I've joined bloglovin, too, although I don't know what it means. LOL Okay, off to read your new post.

  2. all these changes are a pain - lets hope we can keep all our fav blogs. thanks for the update. p/s we just put in an offer on a house that runs down to the river ---- not as strong as yours, tidal, but hopefully we'll enjoy the views.


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