Sewing Vloggers

Monday, August 5, 2013

Whirlwind Times!

It has been a whirlwind two weeks, the beach in Maine, New Hampshire, oral surgery, then Cape Cod, then home, then back to Maine for the wedding for four more days and now we are home and our summer vacation is finis. Other than some house guests in two weeks we are done with our summer sojourn for 2013. It has been great. We have gone to our traditional favorite beach in Maine but it's a secret. It is very unknown and very unpopulated and just a few private cottages on the shore. No Orchard Beach atmosphere here but just the best of Maine on a two mile stretch of wide beige  sand. These are pics of the beach and the islands dotting them.  The children enjoyed it all so. 
There were lobster boils, lobster omelettes, lobster rolls, and lot of clams and fish as well. We didn't touch any protein other than seafood for the whole week and it was fabulous. Luckily that was all before the surgery!

After Maine it was off to New Hampshire and the oral surgeon. That went well and I am almost pain free with just a bit of stitches hanging on. We then did our visit to the Cape where we gifted my brother and family with Danny's project. You all know how wonderful that all worked out.  Now it was time to fly back home, work a few days, and then head back to Maine for the wedding. And what a lovely wedding it was. 
Rehearsal day started early with the bride and groom and several other family members running the Beach to Beacon race in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. As you can see our very experienced runners aand future newly weds were dressed for the event. The Kenyans still won! We all went down to watch, cheer them on, and enjoy the free blueberry muffins and coffee. Then it was home to prepare for the rehearsal party, a garden affair of about 40 people. Sis and I cooked and pulled off a great celebration, if I may say so. It is just great working with one's sis  on events like this. I changed my clothing plans and wore the three D top to the rehearsal party. I've lost almost ten pounds since the surgery and my preciously fitted pants were too large, something I didn't discover till right before leaving. I took in the waist two inches with tucks and it all seemed to all into place and hang well enough to get me through one night.

That funny crotch thing was not there before I lost the weight. Oh, well, it got me through the night just fine.
The wedding took place out on the edge of Two Lights beach and was lovely. It was simple, beautiful, respectful, and a joyous occasion for all. The couple wanted a very simple celebration and I applaud how beautiful and worshipful it was. The setting was magnificent. For the wedding I found a darling little dress that I thought would be better than the 3D outfit. All invited were in casual cocktail type summer dresses and  this worked out perfectly. Now if you are five feet tall and have purchased anything sleeveless you know that the armholes reveal a rather disgusting display of your bra sides and this dress was no exception. My next post will show you how I fixed that. My sis had the same issue but fixed her's differently. She's taller and it didn't need quite so much alteration. The dress is a Cynthia Rowley linen shift of metallic silver linen. The fabric is gorgeous! It  has tiny  metallic stud type decorations straight down the center back seam from neck to hem and also around the neckline. It fit great except for those armholes. Here' the finished pic:

The armhole fits fine and God, I look like my mother! But that's OK. 

Thank you, all of you, for your warm and caring comments regarding Danny's project. It really warms my heart to read them. I truly appreciate those who mentioned having a family member with mental illness and their understanding. I pray for your family's peace and successful sustained treatment for your loved ones. This closet of mental illness needs to be opened wide. I think it touches us all from those who have "family secrets" to those we see roaming our streets with all they own in a shopping cart. Let's bring it out in the open. While my brother's family worked together and closely with professionals to help Danny many others don't have that luxury. Let's hope a new day dawns when all who need treatment can get it and live their best lives.......Bunny. It's great to be back.


  1. Bunny, what a beautiful picture of you and your sister. The wedding sounds very special, as does your secret beach spot. Beautiful outfit and dresses. Your mother must be a beautiful woman.

    1. She was beautiful in so many ways, very funny and very bright as well!

  2. Yay! Bunny's back!!! You look beautiful in every shot here (well, maybe not the eating one, but all the others for sure!) and I'm so glad that you're feeling better after surgery.

    1. No one looks good at a lobster fest with butter dripping down your arms and shells flying, but it sure is good! It's great to be back.

  3. So many memories to store up after such a summer! You look gorgeous and elegant and the thought of someone eating lobster for all those meals...oh my! Haven't been able to afford to taste one for over 30 years!Sorry to hear about the oral surgery and the weight loss but trauma to the face area does heal faster and fingers crossed you will be back to eating all you favorite foods soon.

    1. The guys get the lobster literally right off the boat down at the docks for bargain prices. It's worth every penny and I probably won't taste another one until next year! Nothing quite tastes as good as one that has just jumped out of the pot!

  4. You look stunning in both outfits, Bunny. Oral surgery. Ouch. But losing weight would be a welcome side effect for lots of folks. Hope this doesn't mean that you'll have to alter all of your clothes.

  5. Welcome back Darling Bunny,

    We always miss you!!

    Glad that you had a terrific time, but ouch, hope the oral surgery pain is long gone now.

    You look just beautiful in all the pictures,can't wait to read how you fixed the armhole issue. I am tall, but slight and they are always too big on most bought clothes.........because I have very little frontage!!

  6. What a joy to read this post the 1st thing in the morning!!! All the pictures are beautiful...and I love the "eating one". A whole lobster on a red tray or a lobster roll on the coast of Maine is heavenly! My favorite place in the world is Cape Elizabeth...sitting on the rocks by the Portland Headlight...beyond the fence where you're not suppose to go. My last trip back was in '98...precious memories!
    Thank you, Bunny!!!

    1. It is stunningly beautiful there, isn't it? We love visiting Maine.

  7. Fabulous ending to a difficult summer, Bunny!
    Both outfits look lovely on you, no matter about the wt. loss. I'm jealous...but I don't want to do it that way. Ouch!

    Loved seeing all the photos & especially the one of you & your sister. I'd frame that one! And the lobster eating one, too. You guys made some wonderful memories.

  8. Welcome back! You look absolutely lovely in your pics. You must be glad the oral surgery is over and done with. My sister and I do a lot of cooking together so I know how you feel.

    Wish we could get good lobster her in So Cal, we have to make due with frozen tails. It's not worth buying the live ones as they are starved w/ very little meat.

    1. The same happens up here. We find they are just not worth eating after sitting in the tank and using up their prescious stores to survive. They seem to taste much sweeter fresh out of the cold water too.

  9. what a great post, loved reading all your summer updates. Glad your oral surgery is behind you, that is no fun. The comment about seeing yourself look like your mother in photos was something I can relate to. All my family jokes that they know exactly how I will look at every age, we can just look at my mom to see, which is fine with me as she has looked good at every age. Now time to relax for you, and enjoy the rest of summer.

  10. You have my mouth watering for fresh Maine lobster. I'm already counting the days until we leave for our little stay on Mohegan Island. I CANNOT wait!!!!
    I so hate to hear about anyone having any type of surgery on their mouth. I have had so much due to a tumor in my jaw and I have more coming up, but not until I return from Maine :) Hope you're feeling better!

    1. Maine is so beautiful right now, Rhonda, and the weather was wonderful for our stay. The blueberries are peaking and the hydrangeas exquisite. I would love to commiserate about where you stay, etc. We did a wonderful day shopping in Boothbay Harbor and another in Bath. I can't wait to get back next year.

  11. Bunny, thank you so much for sharing this joyful time in your family. Oral surgery: it's good to be able to look *back* on that, and I hope that your recovery is speedy and complete. The secret place in Maine looks like a glorious spot to gather with dear ones for such a happy occasion. You look lovely; it's wonderful that you found that Cynthia Rowley dress to wear; I wouldn't mind seeing an up close photo of the neckline.
    You are such a gifted writer, Bunny; I hope you continue writing for a very long time. About mental illness, yes, it needs to be thought of as illness just like heart disease or cancer or any other physical disease. It's been seven years since my sister's suicide. Unfortunately she just wasn't able to receive the help that was offered to her through the years. And her way of coping with her internal suffering was to push away anyone and everyone who didn't go along with her self-destructiveness. It's still heartbreaking, even after all this time. Life is precious, and when it's really painful, there is always hope of it getting better. Thank you again for speaking out about mental illness. {{hugs}}

    1. Big warm hugs to you, too, Sandra. I've been amazed at how many of my readers have been touched by this illness. I am so so sorry for your loss. Sisters are so precious.

  12. Your outfit is gorgeous Bunny. Welcome back, looks like just the perfect vacation.

  13. I appreciate your description of the wedding ceremony as "respectful" and "worshipful." So many weddings today seem more like frat parties. I believe that honoring the ceremony directly corresponds to honoring the institution of marriage.

    1. In this era of "trashing the dress" and more it was lovely to see this young couple so committed. You just know they have what it takes to go the long mile. Appreciate your comments.


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