Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Yippee! Loom Learning!

I am excited. I am going "loom learning". I will be taking a class in three weeks. It is two full days and will take place the NOA Gallery in Groton, Mass. I am so excited and it is my birthday gift from my hubby.

  Courtesy NOA Gallery, link in purple won't work, click on the Noa Gallery link above and scroll down. 

 I can't wait as when it comes to tapestry my mind is a book of empty pages. I am really looking forward to the class, the wonderful silk fibers and other items being supplied for the projects as well as meeting the President of Mirrix, Claudia Chase. It appears we lived very near each other in New Hampshire, small world! She is a reknowned weaver.

Are any of you taking any classes soon? I do know Kathy Dykstra is teaching at a big heirloom event I believe coming up in Texas.  Claire Meldrum is now teaching picture smocking through SAGA, Smocking Arts Guild of America. Anyone else teaching or taking? I find classes can really inspire, expecially when learning something quite new. I would love to hear if any of you have plans or are taking any sewing type courses soon.........Bunny


  1. I can't wait to see what you make. I am very excited to being flying from Toronto, Canada to attend three days of classes at SewExpo in Washington!

    1. Wow! Are you lucky! I fantasize about that trip.

  2. What a great husband! Terrific gift. Have a wonderful time and take lots of pictures!

  3. Oh Yippee!!! {me clapping gleefully} I learned so much from Claudia's craftsy course, but there is NOTHING like an in-person workshop! You will have so much fun and feel so inspired! Can't wait to hear about it!

    1. I agree. I learned so much from Claire Shaeffer last year. She has incredible knowledge that goes way beyond all of her books and she is a delight in person.

  4. Congratulations. You will love it. Many years ago I was fortunate enough to take a floor-loom class in tapestry weaving. It was enthralling. I know you'll have a wonderful chance to put those creative skills of yours to use in yet another medium.

  5. Yay for you, Bunny!! Will you get to make one of those beautiful bracelets pictured above. How awesome would that be?!? All my classes have to be online for now. Not as good as in person but effective when no other options are available. What would we do without the Internet? LOL

    1. The bracelets are one of the options and the one I will go for. Love my craftsy classes too!

  6. You certainly have the perfect bag for transporting your loom! Have fun!

  7. So wonderful that you will be taking a weaving class! Like you, I love to learn new techniques, too, and hope to learn how to weave someday as well. I'll have to save that for when we retire to NH in a few years. While recently on vacation there I discovered a wonderful knitting/weaving shop in Henniker called the Fiber Studio. They have very nice knitting, fiber, and weaving supplies - you would love it!

    In the meantime, for me, this is the year of sewing classes - two Susan Khalje classes and a mini sit-and-sew with Kenneth King. I have a lot of catching up to do!!!

    I so enjoy reading and learning from your posts and look forward to seeing what you will make during your weaving class.

    1. I have been to the Fiber Studio many times and lived five miles away for 21 years. It's a great shop. Henniker is a lovely little college town. Our plan is to move back to New Hampshire in the next year or two and I am so looking forward to it.

    2. Lucky you for having lived so close to Henniker and for moving back to NH soon! All the best to you with the move and future artistic endeavors.

  8. It's always good to take your brain out for a vacation especially if it is fiber related...ideas cross over from one medium to another...I'll bet your head will be filled with sewing challenges while you go, Bunny!

  9. Bunny, have a terrific time and enjoy your birthday treat.

  10. Can't wait to hear about this from you!!
    I'm a bit envious about your looming loom project... I really wanted to get a big loom and delve into weaving a few years back, but my hands get way overused as it is and I couldn't justify it. Sigh.... that's ok, I'll stick to sewing!

    Love your insights!

  11. After the fact but last weekend I was at a fabulous weekend with Jeannie Baumeister in south Florida. Did the t-yoke gown with a new embroidery design. As always class with Jeannie was wonderful!! Got my sewing mojo back.


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