Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Missing in Action

I know I have been missing in action but what a whirlwind it has been. I thought I would let the pictures do most of the talking about my past three weeks.

This is my neighbor. We write out checks to her to pay our property taxes.

This is also my neighbor. Joyce Mitchell and her husband live a quarter mile up the river from us. We see them at the post office often.

While just a little less peopled than this photo, the papparazi have been a highly visible local annoyance in our hamlet of 352 people. Do you know what it's like to have the New York Post waiting in your driveway for something to happen? You wake up to them and go to bed to them and there are many others as well.

We have lived for the past three weeks with this armed presence, and happily so. You just can't imagine. It is stressful.  They are EVERYWHERE and that is good.

Throw in a week of vacation. Like many locals,  getting out of town seemed like a great idea. I spent time with both daughters but it wasn't what one would normally call a vacation.

I had an appointment here. It was not a good appointment. Pity party.  After Mass General it was time for this:

My daughter had to unexpectedly fix a broken crown in my mouth that appeared this week as well. And of course the facial pain that has been plaguing me for the past 7 years decided to come out of remission and rear it's ugly head. Tears.

Throw in two ER visits for my husband with hands and fingers swollen like kielbasas and being very sick as well. But no, we are still not done.

I came home from Boston with the construction of two new decks in full glory.

My home is a construction zone.

My glorious shade garden is decimated.

And that has been my life the past three weeks. I will return with pics of my finally finished beaded necklace and my rust dyed top but I need a freakin' break.....Bunny


  1. Just read the People story about your neighbor. Am very glad those policemen are there to protect you.

    1. We are too! You go to bed and hear the copters overhead at night, see them in the daytime too.

  2. Wow again. You just never know what's going on in your neighborhood. Glad for protection for your community.

    1. We are what they call a "hamlet" around here, a tiny little village 352 people.Joyce is our tax collector, or was. I am glad people have gotten to see where I live. It is remote, beautiful and rather isolated. The last thing it is is a fashion center. I loved seeing all the fashion in Boston and was duly inspired.

  3. oh Bunny! What excitement and stress, some good, some not so good.

  4. I didn't know you were an upstate New Yorker Bunny. Glad you are safe. Sorry for all the other things going on but I hope that all things are put back together again real soon.

    1. We are up near the Canadian border and all around here figured thats where the escapees were headed.

  5. I'm speechless -- well, almost. Very glad that you are safe, and hope that you and your husband surmount your health problems quickly and that the construction finishes quickly enough that you can enjoy it soon. Your garden is lovely. Best to you.

    1. I have big plans for expanding the garden. It has been VERY rainy so not much has gotten done. Hopefully this coming weekend will be nice enough to do some work. Gardening is as good as sewing for restoring my psyche.

  6. I can't imagine how stressful your life must have been to have all that activity and both those escapees on the loose with nothing to lose. To add in all those other annoyances at the same time is like kicking sand in your face. You deserve a break - and some fun. Hope you find it soon.

  7. I am sending you prayers and peace for your recovery.

  8. Oh goodness me. You really have had a bucketfull Bunny.

    The royal prince and princess were born a few metres from our house so we know what it is like to have photographers and TV crews camping out for days on end. You have my sympathy.

    And terrible about the tooth, and the mess in the garden. Way too much to have to deal with. Poor you.

    1. I am looking forward. Not too long from now we will have two beautiful new decks, much larger, more style, and heavier construction than those that came with the house. We are really excited about our decks.

  9. Wow you live in Interesting Times! I hope it all gets really, really ordinary soon xoxo

    1. And an interesting place. The last excapee was apprehended yesterday and it is such a relief. I giant sigh went through the region. While I have to give my garden priority for now, I am so looking forward to getting back to sewing and jewelry making.

  10. Jeez Louise! What a stressful time for you.! I am sure there will be a light at the end of the tunnel soon and peace and quiet!

  11. Whoa- that's a lot to handle- I hope it blows over quickly.

  12. Oh my goodness, Bunny! I wondered just how close all that hunt for the escapees was occurring. I had no idea it was your back yard!

    I am so sorry to read about your tooth & facial pain...ugh! Gentle {{{HUGS}}}.
    I thought something might be amiss since you hadn't posted in awhile.
    I sure hope things improve quickly for you. Hang in there!

  13. What a series of disasters! At least the new decks has promise! Hope you're able to rest up and get some relief from pain.

  14. I was thinking of you the other day when they got the other half of the dastardly duo, and glad you're at least away from that. Sorry about the paparazzi and hopefully that will be gone with time too. Hopefully sewing can take you away to a more serene place and just the thought of accomplishing something pretty can bring you a lot of peace!

  15. Oh goodness me Bunny,

    So many trials and tribulations one after another. I think you have had the run of bad luck, so hopefully you are now entering a more tranquil, peaceful phase. I really do hope so.
    My gypsy vibes must have been twitching, when I asked after Ern the other day. Sorry to learn about your painful times too.
    Lots of hugs and healing prayers coming your way.

  16. OMG, I am so glad they apprehended the second escaped con. Prayers and good vibes for your health!

  17. You've been having adventures without us!

  18. what a month! I hope things improve on all fronts for you. Sending good thoughts your way.

  19. I can't even imagine having to live like that for so long! I'm so glad they finally got those creeps.

  20. I am sending Light to you and your family for the Highest Good of all concerned.

    Take care of yourself!

  21. I am so glad you are safe! It is scary how close danger can be.

    Is your face pain better? Is it trigeminal neuralgia? I hope not, my mother suffered from that, although it is now under control.

    1. It is trigeminal neuralgia and paroxysmal hemicrania along with associated hearing loss. The hearing loss sucks but the worst part is the pain. This isn't an age thing but is the result of a "long dormant shingles or herpes type infection". It all started about ten years ago.

  22. Oh my! I had no idea you live in the area where the escapees were roaming. So happy you and hubby are now safe. Sending best wishes that your life and health returns to normal. Sewing and gardening will bring you peace. Karen

  23. Wow - you've had quite a big going on. Glad you're safe. Yes, you need a break that's for sure!

  24. omg! Best wishes for a speedy recovery for yourself and your husband and some quite in the neighbourhood.

  25. I am so sorry Bunny, my prayer is that the Lord and savior Jesus Christ continues to bless and protect you and yousr

  26. You have had an exciting 3 weeks. Too exciting! Rest up for while, you deserve it!

  27. So glad you're safe! At least the photographers will leave now!

  28. Pretty soon you'll be resting on that deck looking out at your beautiful garden, and the rest will be a distant memory. Prayers all around.

  29. Oh my! I'm so glad you are okay.

  30. Oh Bunny, what an incredible period! With the tumor I had in my jaw and all the subsequent work work that has needed to be done over the years, I understand your pain. I truly hope that the worst is over.

    1. Thanks so much, Rhonda. I know you understand the pain issues there probably better than anyone. Right now I am under treatment that is helping a lot. I can go about 2-3 months in remission then it rears its ugly head again. I then take meds for about a week and a half and that kicks it back into remission. This is so much better than the daily/nightly constant pain I had for several years. So for now it is controlled the best it can be and I will be thankful for that. I really look forward to each day and am so thankful when it is pain free. I have much to be happy about.

  31. Oh my. I missed this post last and your hubby have really been through it. I hope you feel better soon, that the decks get completed quickly, and you can salvage some of your beautiful plants. Will be thinking of you.

  32. Bunny, that's an aweful lot together. Hope you're well again and have a peaceful summer.

  33. Sorry to hear about your troubles, but know you were in good hands at MEEI. My girl is a doc there. :-) Did you get over to Fabric Place Basement?

    1. No, it was a hectic trip. DD works in the financial district so a hop, skip and jump to Quincy Market. That's about all the sight seeing I managed.


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