Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday Words

"I HATE pre-washing with a fiery passion! How cruel to be excited to make something just to stare at the washing machine and dryer beforehand ugh!!!!! ".............from Tara A. on Facebook


  1. Dito - nothing soaks up the creative juices more!......and I have never been burned by a process not done more than NOT pre-washing!!!! The Pre-Washing gremlin will get you every time!

  2. Just installed our new washer, a frontloader with a glass door. My old one did not have a viewing window and I found myself standing there watching things go round. So silly but fun. Wish I had my stash unpacked so I could wash fabric to prepare for a new project.

    1. I've never minded the fabric prep, either. Its all part of this crazy obsession I have.

    2. I too have bonded with my front loader. The "Delicate" cycle is fun to watch.

  3. Well you know how I feel... Haha!

    Will never not prewash.

  4. Of all the tedious sewing tasks, prewashing is the one I mind the least.

  5. I even pre-shrink interfacings and hang them on wire hangers ready to be used. Learned my lesson years ago when my interfacing shrunk horribly and ruined the front edges of a linen blouse. Even fusible interfacing can be pre-shrunk in a tub of hot water and left to drip on a wire hanger until dry.

    1. I do exactly the same. Actually whatever I buy gets the pre wash as soon as it walks in the house.

  6. Yup, I also wash everything washable as soon as I get home, and put it away prewashed. Then I never have to wait. Mind you I never buy, take home and sew. No time and I always like some ponder time so this works for me!

  7. oh I love washing! Mainly because I have categorized that as a chore - and what other chore gives you free time while the machine does the work? It's all about using the correct mental gyration!!

  8. In our house wash water gets reused to water plants so I never begrudge the need to do wash and will even schedule prewashing if things are hot and dry. Fabric goes in; water comes out; I water vines, drink coffee and read blogs. If it has been raining, wash day simply gets delayed,

  9. I have fabric and trim in the washer as I write this. I always, always, always prewash, even the interfacings as Mrs M mentions. I pay too much money and spend too much time on sewing for all garments to be ruined by not preaching.

  10. on the line today a beautiful mauve and grey silk, a red Japanese floral and a vintage rayon in sunshine yellow getting ready for some summer sewing!!! And unfortunately sometimes I just put it away after buying, if only I hadn't I would be sewing NOW!


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