Sewing Vloggers

Monday, November 16, 2015

Fiber Beads!

With a little inspiration from Pinterest I decided to dip my hands into making beads from fibers, namely batik and vintage ribbons. These are vintage ribbons in the necklace above that were given to me by my  dear friend Ima. There used to be a ribbon factory in New Hampshire at one time and it had a retail outlet. This is where she got these and kindly gifted me with them many years later when she "broke  up" her sewing room.  Very similar ribbons can be purchased today at places like Joanns.

There are a couple of different techniques to wind the beads but in this necklace I used a clear straw as the center and proceeded from there. After that actual glass beads were stitched to the fiber beads. This was really fun, great "TV" work and fairly quick to do. I've worn this necklace a few times and received lots of compliments. I think it is the "bead on bead" effect that makes it special.

This necklace was made with batik quilting cotton, similar technique. I touched up the beads with a bit of silver paint pen. I think the fiber beads really need a bit of bling somewhere to work.

I hope to make a few more of these as Christmas gifts. My cadre of favorite women, those I joined in the King Arthur class, will wear them and appreciate them. They are special like that and really the only people I sew and create for. It is my pleasure to do so as it is always much appreciated.......Bunny


  1. Thanks. They are a bit funky artsy, but I like that.

  2. I like them, too! I am imagining they are rather lightweight and I might be able to actually wear them. I cannot tolerate most statement necklaces due to weight. These are lovely!

    1. They are lightweight. A friend asked if the little beads bothered me and I said "no, not at all." I have very sensitive skin, too.

  3. That bead on bead is a good tip, these are unique.

  4. These are great! They'll make terrific gifts. There is a very old Threads article on making fabric beads I think. I'll have to dig it up. did you find directions online for these?

    1. I will have to find that article. Thanks for the heads up, Nancy. I got the directions for the ribbon beads on line and winged the others from there. I will try to find the original link and will publish it. I didn't think there would be that much interest. Glad you like them.

  5. This is the closest I've been able to find...because I went looking the moment I saw your beautiful beads. I'd love more details about how you made yours.

  6. Here's the link:

  7. Lovely necklaces. I especially like the one made using the metallic jacquard ribbons. I believe I have a few of those types of ribbons in my stash.

  8. I really like the one with the vintage ribbons! This type of necklace would be perfect for my granddaughters. Thanks for the inspiration, Bunny! :)

  9. Oh - adorable. I love how colorful and full of joy they are. Beautiful!

  10. Bunny, you just keep amazing and amusing us! Those beads really make a statement!


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