Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday Words


  1. excellent words. sometimes I think it is sufficient to imagine a process through... to figure it out, but it is equally essential to make and complete as it keeps it real, I often think people will stop near the end when it looks less than perfect (as I have done myself by times). I remember a quote about procrastination, in that you only disappoint yourself with the could have done this....whereas if you do the task, then it is done....

  2. Creativity also follows a challenge. Many times I have come up against a huge bridal challenge with no solutions written in any book. Then the thinking comes in, lots of it, during the night thinking, getting up at 3 am and sewing kind of thinking and by 6 am I might have the solution and go back to bed for a cat nap.Creativity is like labor, once it is over and you have something to show for it, you forget about the pain.

  3. I love that analogy. These words really rung out to me. My frustration, right now anyway, is not having the time to produce from all the creativity. Is there ever enough time? I am producing but just not at the rate I would like to.

    I so agree about the challenge. I've always said some of my best endeavors have come about using limited resources. It really makes you think out of the box.

  4. Totally understand where you are coming from. I find myself mentally constructing garments, going through all the variations, until I come up with what I think will be successful. Having enough time to get it all done is a problem.

  5. I just finished reading a book called "Big Magic" She discusses the process of making a contract with the creative idea or deciding to let it go and allow someone else to make a contract with it. This appeals to me because I can now think thru the creative process and decide to make a contract and pursue it, or decide that it's not the race I want to run at this time and let it go. Like all of us I have precious little time to pursue my creative endeavors so I have to choose carefully. One of my deciding factors is if I have the majority of the materials I need in my stash to complete the project.

  6. I love dreaming and planning creative projects... most of which I never execute. I've been meaning to play around with dyeing techniques for months. There's plenty of value in being imaginative. At the same time, my imagination is limited to what I know. By actually taking the time to create and play (which is the hard part!), I can dream up better and more exciting challenges.

  7. Hmmm. For me, imagining, thinking, sourcing, exploring, executing, all in my mind, is extremely creative. And bits and pieces of that process get stored and can be reused at will, even unbidden. The brain is an amazing gift. I am alone most of the time. If I did not have the benefit and company of a creative and well-exercised mind, I'd be missing a vital dimension of my life.

  8. Well, those words certainly explain my fabric stash! I see a great piece of fabric and the creative part of me thinks..."Oh, this would make a great ______!" I purchase it and then the doing part does not always happen due to time constraints, life, etc.

  9. Those few words speak volumes........I'm relieved though, that others experience challenges getting from imagination to creation!

  10. I think we all do, whether it is procrastination, lack of time, or of energy. These words really spoke to me as well.


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