Sewing Vloggers

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Fur Fantasies.

"Brunello Cucinelli. Mink Fur Backpack, Brown. Brunello Cucinelli dyed mink fur (Denmark) backpack."  You too can have this back pack for  $7830.00. Oops,  you can't have it. It's SOLD OUT. 

Christian Dior, no price available....a little too foofy for my taste

Chris Brown rocking this back pack.  I have loved these fur backpacks since the first time I saw them. 

Be still my heart.  A bit large and more of a "carry-on"" IMO., but still want inducing.

I think you can see where we are going here. I have been smitten with fur backpacks since their arrival in my Pinterest feed a couple months back. They would be so stylish and just perfect for our climate.  I'm going to give it my best shot so here we go. 

My pattern is the Lucy Backpack from Swoon Bags. The flap and the back of the bag will be a solid fabric. The fur will go around the front and sides and bottom. This is a PDF. As I started to tape the pieces together, small and very few, I realized that the only reason I am taping is because the pieces are bigger than the paper. Duh! So inexperienced with these PDFs but I do like them for bags! I stopped taping and made each piece double so that I could place the entire pattern piece on the fabric for cutting. Much better!

 I have some nice faux furs in my resources and decided on a silver fox with black tips. It looks quite real once made up as you will see. Parts of the bag will be out of a silver grey micro suede and it will have a grey lining of a soft nondescript  print of quilting cotton. 

Have you seen these zippers? The picture does not do them justice. They are a nylon coil that is a very shiny silver metallic and comes by the yard. They have a really nice jewelry effect.  I have seen them in a lot of retail lately and found only one retail purveyor online, Sew Da Kine.    Digressing, she sells the most incredible cork fabric, too, NAYY.  EDITED TO ADD: These, as of a few days ago are also now available at Emmaline Bags  here, again, NAYY. 

I did manage to get everything cut out today. It was a bit of a challenge  because I am using three fabrics, one for lining, the fur, and another for "contrast" parts. The pattern is set up for two fabrics. Here I go making things more complicated again!  The pieces are all cut and marked with tape on their back sides with all the pertinent info. This is  necessary as most of the pieces are  rectangles and they can easily get mixed up. 

All is cut but for the interfacing. I am waiting for that because I think I may use something more substantial than what's recommended. Haven't gotten far enough to make that decision yet. 

To cut the faux fur I turned it upside down and traced around the pattern onto the knit backing with a Sharpie, Then it was cut with the tip of my shears cutting only the knit backing. I have very little stray fur doing it this way and it didn't take any time at all. 

I will leave you with one more bagmaking hint that was shared on Facebook and it has really helped tools!

Bag hardware often has  teensy weensy screws that no human hand can turn. The grommets in this bag will each have four of those tiny screws. Sometimes they are Phillips type. Other times the screws are traditional flatheads. The tool is magnetic and the tiny "heads" just suck right into the handle, nice. There is a hex thing, whatever that's called, and a pro type of tweezer.  Not to sound like Tim Allen on his  old TV show, Hometime, (?), this is the ...............

JACKLY 45 in 1 Professional Portable Opening Tool Compact Screwdriver Kit Set with Tweezers & Extension Shaft for Precise Repair or Maintenance JK6089-A   from Amazon. 

The good news is it will only set you back  8.79 but I only paid 7.99 a few weeks ago. Just search for the Jackly 45 in 1 on Amazon. My link is tied to my account and I can't seem to copy it without signing out so I will leave the searching  to you kind readers, just this once. 
Today was a snow day from work and I got so much done. Can't wait till the weekend to get crankin' on the latest project. Spring is always looming and this bag is so Winter!
It seems my plaid shirt made a big splash and I thank you for all the lovely comments. I really enjoyed making it and the challenge/refresher course on using plaids. Paco Peralta put it up on his FB page and the American Sewing Guild featured it as well. Sometimes I am just so surprised at our connectivity and all the positive magic it can work. I've withdrawn from social media  a bit lately because of all the nastiness and it is encouraging to see it used in a positive manner on sewing pages. Many seem capable of not going near political strife, others have issues. It is not the website's fault either but the comments that ensue regarding the topic at hand which is simply a beautiful garment, a technique shared, a posting of a completed project by a proud creator. Let the sewing world and it's family show the way to adult commentary that does not demean, hurt, insult,extrapolate on things political. Let's just enjoy our craft and share the joy with others. Thanks again for your awesome comments on the shirt and for being such a positive force on the web.....Bunny


  1. I can not WAIT to see this made up! I've never been tempted to make a bag before but I just might have to have a fur backpack. Your first example picture is my favorite. Swoon!

  2. You've got my lovin' feelin'. Aren't they wonderful?

  3. OH Bunny, I'm so excited for you! I recently made two Swoon Bonnie Bucket Bags in faux fur and ultrasuede and I love them! And YES...I think a faux fur backpack will be sensational!

    Thanks for the tool tips. I'm getting by with a tiny set of screwdriver's borrowed from my husband for now.

    1. Thanks so much for the link, Sue. Your bags are inspiring. This morning, after looking at the photos, I decided I really need to add some pockets on the outside. That will take a bit of re-engineering and forethought. Fingers crossed!

  4. This will be wonderful, especially in your chilly clime. Have you seen Mainely Dad's bag?

    1. No, I will have to check it out. Thank for the heads up.

  5. That is great news about your shirt, Bunny! I originally was not going to get the pattern because of the dropped shoulders (being a short person), but after seeing your version I am going to get it at the next Vogue sale.

    My local JoAnn's has recently stocked some very nice fake furs. Is that where you got yours? Now that I have seen your project, this would be perfect for my oldest granddaughter. For a lot less than the $7830!

    1. I did get it there, in their clearance quite a few years back. We have a very small Joanns here so we don't get much of anything, but it is very clean and staffed with people who really sew. It's a great little store. I will keep my eye out for any fur deliveries.

  6. OMG!!!!, what fun this bag will be :)

    1. It should be. I hope to hit it this weekend.

  7. Wow, you covered a lot in this "edition!" Thanks, as always.

  8. glad to see that I'm not the only one who wants a fur backpack. Can't wait to see how your bag turns out! I love the fur you picked.

    1. I just went back and looked at yours. It is awesome and I am duly inspired. Don't you just love Chris Brown's?

  9. I flipped over these and especially the "sold out" version. Please, please post pics of the finished version. I think I will have a go at this. Thanks for the tool tip; I can definitely see a need for such a set.

    1. The tool is priceless when it comes to putting in turn locks. This will be the first time I used it for grommets with those tiny screws. My husband was very impressed with what I got for the money and so far it has worked really well. Thanks again, to the women of the Swoon FB group for the heads up on this.

  10. I cannot wait to see the finished bag!

  11. Tool time! I loved that show. Oh and have you seen the fur backpack that mainely dad made?

  12. I did and it is wonderful. Sue at a Colourful Canvas has a couple of great fur bags as well that you may want to check out. Her link is in her comments.

  13. Bunny, What a fun project! I may have seen this same faux fur at Joanne last week, and decided I really want to make something out of feels so much like the real thing! When my daughter says she "won't wear anything fur" (concern for animals) I was able to borrow a wise comment from my Grandmother, "Imitation is a most sincere form of flattery". I'm excited to see you working with faux fur since my skills are so lacking, and as always I've learned so much. Thanks again for sharing the adventure! Linda S.

    1. Linda, I bought it at least 6-7 years back. It was a lucky day.

  14. Bunny, you were correct to turn the faux fur over, but you will find it easier to cut it with a craft tool or scalpel. I left a comment on Mainelydads blog explaining to him that method after he mentioned being deluged in fur. That problem should be greatly reduced using a scalpel asnd cutting g from the back. My Mother was a dressmaker and worked for a Tailor where she worked on real furs using a razor blade with a safety edge. I still have one in my sewing box, it must be at least 50 years old! Some seams were also shaved to cut down on thickness, and I'm pretty certain she used glue on certain areas. Despite some of them being worth enough to buy a house, My Mother never liked fur, its cost was immaterial, although she was fine with fake fur! She didn't seem to object to the use of fur in certain areas with extreme climates, but not fashion furs!

    1. I actually did try cutting with a razor blade as well as with a new craft knife. The fur was too deep and with no pressure from below, I think, it just would not cut unless I went over and over a small bit at a time, very time consuming. What worked for me went really quickly and took no effort. Despite that trash can of fur, I also found I had much less fur than in other attempts in the past. I so wished I could have taken pictures when I did it but I think that would have required three more hands. And I know my husband would not have gotten it all in while taking the closeup from behind my head. I will try to do something to show how it worked for me. I "roll" the fur and that made it cut like butter and fast. If I can pull it off I will put up pics and an explanation. Thanks for your suggestions. They are appreciated.


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