Sewing Vloggers

Friday, March 22, 2019


courtesy impact branding and design

There is a different look to the blog. I never could get a good contrast to the text on the last theme used so it was time to move on. I went to fix it just one more time and decided to just try something new instead. I wanted simplicity and clarity of text. I've just moved things over so there is definite tweaking still  to be done. 

Another bit of housekeeping I have been working on is updating the Next Level Sewing Series as well as the Tutorials. I am giving some of them fresh photos and a bit of updating to their texts to keep them relevant. I also plan on expanding the Next Level Sewing series with some more posts. I frequent various platforms and often find what I call "cluster flusters", bouts of total frustration by sewists, usually those who have been sewing not that long, and they really don't have the mentors or knowledge to understand the problem they are having.  Sorry to say this but what often happens is a massacre of the pattern company or the designer ensues and the fact is the issue is one of  user error and/or inexperience. I am not judging here because you just don't know what you don't know. In that vein, I will monitor these cluster flusters and try to publish posts on them for the Next Level Sewing Series. Most are pretty basic issues but the type of thing no one really teaches you. As always with NLS, I love the comments as all of you have such varied backgrounds, skill sets, and contribute so much to the conversation. I am looking forward to these posts. 

All that remains on the Top of Many Colors is the lining hem. I believe my shell stitched hem has gone out the window. For several reasons, I decided to have my hem a bit longer and finished it that way, topstitching and all. Then I went to finish the lining hem and realized that now it was not long enough. Then I searched for the fabric I used for the lining and bought probably ten years ago and there was none left anywhere! So I have a solution, not the greatest, but my top will be nice enough in the lining area, the outside will be awesome I hope and it will be done soon as I get a few moments to finish that and do some modeling. Then it may be on to an easy Faux Roman Shade!...Bunny


  1. The new appearance of the blog is so clean and crisp--very refreshing. Looking forward to the new series.

    1. Thanks, Catherine. I just have two more posts to update in the Next Level Sewing Series. Lots of work but enjoying it.


Engaging commentary:

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