Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, May 30, 2020

I'm doing co-ordinates! Who knew?


Being home combined with a brand new 4k ultra HD TV with what seems like 3000 channels has me watching a lot of sewing on Youtube and Prime. I have barely made a dent in what is available. There is so much I like on there and some I have seen that is downright awful but most is pretty great. One of my favorites is the work of Peggy Sagers. I love how she shops the big designers, picks one of their garments and in some cases even buys the garment and then shows how to easily sew that lovely designer look yourself. Recently I chanced upon a program for something she made knocking off an Eileen Fisher "cropped poncho". It was part of a three part casual summer look. I loved it and it was right up my alley. The three piece look fit right into the clothing I am making right now, basics from classic summer fabrics.  Now let's be real here. Have you ever seen me make co-ordinates? Uh, no. I am an inspired creative, get an idea and hit it. Wear it with some basic from my closet and go!  This was a 3 part gig here and I loved every part. There were straight, full pants and I have just found my Sure Fit Sloper after being lost for 2 years. There was a tank top, sort of fitted, and that was on my very to do list. And, then, there was the "cropped poncho" on top. It was a great look and I wanted to make the whole shebang. I never want to make the whole shebang. 

Now came shopping my resources for the three fabrics. I knew I needed a good white linen for the poncho. Check! I had plenty of that. Linen's my thing.  Next,  two more pieces. I decided on a lighter weight linen with a bigger stripe and darker gray background for the pants. The tank would be a gray and white seersucker, that classic summer fabric known for it's comfort, crisp look, and easy care. But a quick check on the yardage showed that the new tank top I developed, longer and more fitted, was not quite enough, so I found another piece of seersucker with a slightly larger stripe in the exact same colors. They worked great together and once again, necessity fueled my  creativity and I think you will like the results. 

I got right into the pants. They fit quite well despite the sloper being a couple years old. The style is straight down from the hips and a pull on but really not too gathered. I think this  is a new Covid milestone, my first pair of pull on pants. Let's not even go there.  I was looking for quick to make and the top of the pant would not show, period. I got that. It took me one morning to put these zipperless babies together. 

Then came the tank. That took some fanagling and I developed the pattern from my last one but it fits very differently, more coverage and more fitted. I liked it.  I think I got the two different seersuckers to work pretty well. 

Now it is time to make the cropped poncho. I am excited about this and can't wait to show you all. The poncho will have some machine heirloom stitching on it if all goes well. I'll sample things first. It will be the first time I get to model a co-ordinated outfit for you. I may be on to something here! ............Stay safe and stay healthy...........Bunny


  1. Is there a link or location for your Peggy Sagers inspiration? She was always a favorite of mine. I can't wait to see how your coordinates turn out. Thank you

    1. Sure, it is episode #126, the "cropped poncho". Hope this works for you.

    2. Just searched 126 and then searched for cropped poncho. The video is 162. I knew you knew that!!! Mary Jackson

    3. Thanks for that correction.

  2. I’m excited to see this outfit. I am trying to go with more things to coordinate with each other as well. I have just discovered Peggy Sayers videos and must say that I’ve learnt a few things from them.

    1. Her series on "Fit 2 Stitch" and all about LCD taught me a of new things. I must say all of the pro teachers out there have much to offer even an experienced sewist like many of us are. Sewing is one of those journeys that is never over. We should always be open to learning.

  3. I’m well acquainted with the sewing content on you tube, but do you know of stuff on prime as well?

    1. Prime has all of Shirley Adam's videos. She is very knowledgeable and quite creative and taught tailoring at a university level. This series is from the 80s and the clothes are a hoot at this point but her skills and teaching are excellent. Actually I will take that back. Many of her garments would be wearable today. It's the crazy hairdos, hats and other accessories that make them date them but don't let that phase you, She is great with pattern play and being creative with fabrics and such. Also on Prime is the series "It's so Easy" I am on the fence about that one. There are a varied group of instructors but really only a couple that I find have serious chops AND the skills to teach. I like Joann Bianco very much as well as another woman with short silver hair. Others either lack skill but can teach or vice versa. Let's just say if I miss a show it doesn't trouble me but I will look up Joanne Bianco on you tube to see just her takes from the program.

  4. What a gorgeous set of coordinates they will be. I'm a real Peggy fan girl and love the inspiration she give us to do different things with basic patterns to get designer looks. Your sewing is always an inspiration with or without coordination. And isn't the sewing community wonderful that we can all play nicely together and value each others points of view even though I'm a sewing with a plan kind of girl.

    1. So true. We all approach things differently and we all are entitle to change our minds too! Something about "my prerogative" , right? It is a great community.

  5. How exciting, I can't wait to see you wearing the three garments together. I follow Peggy and watched her video where she put together the poncho. Both of you are so inspiring.

    1. That's so sweet. I will finish the poncho literally in a few minutes. I did alterations for those of us in the petite range so stay tuned if that interests you. If you saw it in the video the whole effect comes off, at least IMO, because the poncho is cropped. With Sager's measurements, it was far from cropped on me. A little experimenting and I think I made it work.

  6. Looking forward to seeing your coordinates!

  7. Do you remember where you bought your seersucker? I bought some at that major/only chain store and wasn't happy with it, but I made a jacket and a coverup that I considered wearable muslins. Would love to get better quality seersucker. Can't wait to see what you make. I've watched a number of Peggy's videos and am fixated on the armscye templates and how she uses them. Perhaps you could consider writing a blog on how you use them, or if you don't use them, what you think of the concept. Thanks. Mary Jackson

    1. I actually think it was part of the sewing stash I inherited from my elderly friend, a graduate of FIT and fabulous sewist. I think I might have a hard time finding seersucker this good today as you have. It is really nice quality as I kept thinking as I handled it. While cutting it I actually thought of my grandmother and how the quality reminded me of what she used to use when I was little. Thanks for the suggestion for a blog post, great idea.

  8. I, too, am looking forward to seeing your outfit. I struggle with making "outfits", and with the whole SWAP idea. So I am always intrigued. I have also very much appreciated Peggy Sager's videos, seeing how something is done "in the industry", and so therefore done more simply. I especially have appreciated her videos on jackets, lapels and such, and I think she also has one on sewing a fly zip that I have watched numerous times.


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