Sewing Vloggers

Friday, November 12, 2010

It's Over!

Just a quick post to let you all know that the surgery went well and I am recuperating as can be expected. I have to take it easy for about a week and then see what the surgeon says. No driving! No alcohol!

Thanks to all of you who expressed your concern and to those who even said a prayer or two for me. It is all greatly appreciated. Sewing bloggers are such special people.

I think it might be a bit before a get to blog again, but it will be soon. Thanks all for your patience as well. Now I am off to take some motrin and lay back down with one of my new books....Bunny


  1. Bunny,
    I am happy to hear that your surgery went well. Take your time and recover fully.

  2. Good to hear it went well. I think chocolate and a good book should make you feel better! Hope you are back to your normal self soon.

  3. Glad your surgery went well. Take time to rest and enjoy all those wonderful books you purchased!

  4. Bunny,
    Glad to hear surgery went well! Enjoy your books. Maybe you can use your recuperation time to plan your next sewing projects.

  5. Here's to a speedy recovery. You're in my thoughts!

    I just received David Coffin's book as well. It's very detail-oriented. I think you'll really like it.

  6. Bunny,
    I'm glad your surgery went well, now take it easy and recuperate.

  7. Curl up and read, then nap and wake to some Constant Comment tea, curl up some more. Good thoughts going your way,

  8. Have a good rest and recuperate Bunny!

  9. Wishing you a speedy recovery .

  10. Feel better. A few good books and movies will help. Chocolate too.

  11. Bunny, Wishing you a speedy recovery - yes, chocolates do help. All the best!

  12. They always say don't mix booze and drugs. I don't let it hold me back though. Driving now, sure I would skip that part. Take care and get better soon "SMILE".

  13. Rest on your laurels, and yes sewing people are truly the greatest. Glad you're finished with this, and hope the recuperation goes as well.

  14. Bunny - fantastic news and hope you recover quickly and well!! Much love!!

  15. Best wishes. Rest and heal. It's a good time to read those new books you recently bought!

  16. The perfect way to spend a chilly Sunday afternoon...feet up & a good book (or two) in hand.
    I'm glad you're doing well. Keep up the good work & NO disobeying Dr.s orders, ya' hear? ;-)

  17. Hope you're relaxing and recovering!

  18. Happy your surgery was successful and you're recuperating---esp. with a good book! Take care. Take chocolate.

  19. Glad to hear that it went well. Feel better soon!

  20. Bunny,
    I'm glad you are feeling better and able to resume normal activities.

  21. Hi there Bunny

    So glad to hear that everything went well, and that you are safely at home and recovering.

    Kindest regards,

  22. I'm glad to hear that you are ok, Bunny.


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