Sewing Vloggers

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Painted Rose Sweater

This is my Anthropologie inspired knock off, an upcycle project for sure. The original sweater was plain off white knit with a simple small collar. It was given to me by an elderly friend. The first thing I did was cut off the collar and make a new one from some felted wool.
The original sweater was fuzzier and longer and the collar style would not have worked as well for me as this one.

 The flowers just hatched from my imagination. Other than a bold simple outline I drew and placed under the knit, they are painted free hand onto the sweater. I used acrylics and treated them so this would all be washable. I did not use any sort of extender or medium. This was a process I have used successfully many times so why bother?

 The collar came from Simp 3562, a Threads coat pattern. It's neckline fit the sweater perfectly. I stitched the felted wool with a cross hatching of white wool thread. Then I did some free form applique on the collar with hand dyed wools and variegated hand dyed flosses, blanket stitching the edges. I felt I needed a bit less negative space so did the flower outlines in more white thread.
The flowers all had big honkin' french knots in their centers and areas of wool thread embroidered accents, all very "free".

You can see on the bottom edge in the rear where I have put my signature, MP for Mary Pepin, my "real" name that very few people ever use.

I like my stylized flowers. Can't say that I have ever seen a blue poinsettia with pea size pollen! But that's what makes it all fun.

Most of the painting was done using layers of very watered down acrylic paint. The leaves and accents were dry brushed in . When all painting was done I stenciled in some more leaves in the negative space very softly to look like a background shadow. Over all I am pretty pleased with this and can't wait to wear it. Last night went to  33.9 below zero and this is sort of a jacket type sweater. It would be too heavy for most situations inside but not heavy enough for wearing alone out in the current weather. It's  time will come. I think it will look nice with my new gray pants. More on those real soon. I will do a rundown of the various alterations I did, why and how.......Bunny


  1. So.amazing. Really, quite a work of art, and I like the blue poinsettas with the huge pollen. I decorate my whole house for Christmas in blue/white/silver and have a lot of fake blue poinsettas!

    I hear you on the temps. When I sent the kids to school this morning it was 11 below without the wind chill.

  2. Beautiful Bunny! You are so artistic.

  3. That is so gorgeous! Oh my! If I were you, I would just go around being in awe of myself all the time!

  4. Wow! What a beautiful work of art.

    Stay warm!

  5. Gorgeous Bunny! And thanks for the great explanation of your process - well done all around!

  6. I never would have tho0ught of replacing the collar with a felted one--don't have the machine, but this is just aqwesomely gorgeous.

  7. I so agree that this is a work of art! Simply stunning!

  8. It's a work of art, Bunny! So lovely, and so "you"! Job well done!

  9. Really beautiful, Bunny! You really tapped into your artistic side!

  10. What a stunning sweater! This is truly wearable art. Lovely.

  11. all I can say is "WOW"

  12. I love it! It is absolutely stunning. I like the way you drew the flowers, not quite realistic but not stylized either. But I don't envy your weather.

  13. Just beautiful! I've been waiting and waiting to see this!

  14. Wow Bunny, it is exquisit! A true inspiration piece for those of us who don't venture much past the sewing machine. Thank you so much for sharing your techniques, I absolutely love the end result.

  15. Oh wow! That is really beautiful. Very wearable too.

  16. Amazing! This sweater is a real showstopper.

  17. Absolutely gorgeous and one of a kind! Have a great time wearing it.

  18. Bunny, you just blow me out of the water with the beautiful things you create. This is a true work of art.


  19. Beautiful transformation. You are amazing.
    I wanted to let you know that I took the Almond Gelees and salt and pepper caramels up north, for a long weekend with some sewing friends. We were delighted at the unusual taste treat. Thank you for sharing.

  20. Awesome, Bunny! The collar is fabulous, and the deep color is perfect counterpoint to the "garden".

  21. That is so impressive! Truly, it is art. Indeed.

  22. Can't wait to see a picture of you wearing it! I'll bet it's spectacular. Love it and I'm sure it will become an heirloom piece.


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