Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Thank you, each and everyone of you, for all your well wishes, kind thoughts, prayers and just being there. It means a lot. I had doubts about publishing the post but it was DH who thought it up and urged me. I did it to make a point of the "lesson learned over and over and over" as that lesson just keeps rearing its head thoughout my life. I need to pay attention.

Again, thank you all! Today I am being quiet and will work on my bumblebees. I think they are awful cute and they don't even have their wings yet! I backed the linen with some Pro sheer interfacing from Fashion Sewing Supply, perfect for this. There will be a total of over 40 bees. The wings will be turkey work and those will go on after all the bullions are done. They do go rather fast. Perfect work for the given situation. I use two threaded needles at the same time, black and gold to make quicker work of it all. The interfacing helps keep nasty back threads from show through.

I received an email asking which Creative Needle Magazine had all the "bug" inspiration. It is issue April 2007. However my bumble bee embroidery was from the dress on the cover of August 2006. I really do miss that magazine. Its clothing was so wearable, not over the top heirloom, but really wearable and soo cute.

I am off to the couch to do some "bees". The swelling has receded but now I have bruises that have appeared all over the side of my face. As long as I don't touch, I'm fine. But I am truly lookin' nasty! That's OK as it could have been much worse. Thanks again. You are all so special....Bunny


  1. Your bees are already adorable. I am anxious to see your completed garment. Like you, I miss Creative Needle magazine. It was such a treasure.

    So glad you are feeling better.

    Take care,
    Nashville, TN

  2. Love the bees! Isn't it wonderful that amidst such a terrible accident you have this project to busy your hands and distract yourself from the pain!

    Karen in Houston

  3. I was hoping you'd still be able to do the bees! Nothing like some nice handwork and quiet should take as much as you need. Can't wait to see the wings.

  4. Late to the party here.
    I just tuned in.

    What a story! It could have, should have, been much know the ending.

    Glad you are on the road to recovery.

    I TOO worry about EVERYTHING. I FIND things to worry about.

    Could we be related?

  5. Xαίρομαι που είσαι καλύτερα! Οι μελισσούλες είναι αξιολάτρευτες!

  6. Glad you are sort of feeling better :) Those bees are just sooo cute. Perfect work to recouperate.

  7. The bees are already cute, even without wings! Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better so soon. Hang in there :-)

  8. Omigod, Bunny, what a story! I am so glad you're okay. My goodness, I have a headache now just thinking about you. Maybe a teeny nightlight?

  9. "Bee" very careful, "honey"!

  10. Oh I love your little bees. A few years ago, when Ahnalin was smaller, I put bees on her clothes and then she got stung and didn't want bees on them anymore! Heehee! But I think they are darling! I am praying you heal well. Hugs, Sivje

  11. Those bees are cute!

    When you put that warning on your blog entry, I stopped reading. I'm squeamish that way. But I'm glad you seem to be doing well, despite some unpleasantness or other!

  12. Your bees are so sweet! I'm so glad that you can enjoy some handwork while you rest from this freak accident! I was just shocked to see your pic from yesterday - I'm glad that it's not worse than it is. Gosh - so scary!!! I'm glad you're doing OK.


  13. I am truly glad you are mostly okay.

    Isn't it strange how we worry about everything and then something bizarre jumps up and bites you on the ... At least that is the way it seems to go in our house.

  14. Your bees are just wonderful! Glad our interfacing worked so well for this project.

    Happy you are recovering.

  15. I just found out about your accident. You poor thing! I hope you heal up soon. Just keep telling people, "You should see the other guy!"

    The bees are wonderful. They almost make me want to try my hand at them.

  16. Oh my goodness. I just read your last post and was horrified that such a freak accident can cause such damage. God bless you. I do hope you recover quickly and that you do not experience too much more pain!
    Those bees are adorable.

  17. Sewing is the best therapy - as long as you can see - keeps from poking the wrong thing!!! Ha! Although I'm sure that's not funny now. Well, don't go out for a while or else DH will get a horrendous rep! Take care.

  18. What cute little bees! I hope you heal up quickly.
    Ashley x

  19. I love your bees.
    I hope you feel better soon.

  20. Glad to see you are doing ok! I can't wait to see the end result of your bumblebees!

  21. I loooovvvveee your bees; they are just right.
    OMG I feel for you. I ran into the car door while I was opening the door.
    Take care of yourself--use lots of coldpacks on your eye it will help heal faster and the discoloration will fade faster.


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