Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

An Easter Bishop on Twin Baby Girl

May I present to you my twin grandaughter in her Easter bishop dress that her doting grandmother Bunny made for her. Need I say more?


  1. Awww! She looks precious in this sweet dress.

  2. What a cutie! And what a beautiful dress you made.

  3. Thanks so much ladies. DH says her picture looks like one of those primitive paintings from Antique Roadshow that goes for half a million. I think he is right, the way the scene is set up and her little sweet face. We are just so in love with her and her little brother. I have to get smocking for him!

  4. She and the dress are both BEAUTIFUL!!! :-)

  5. Awe - she is just toooo cute!!! Isn't it fun to sew for those we love?!


Engaging commentary:

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