Sewing Vloggers

Monday, March 24, 2008

Painting Faux Leather

A couple of weeks ago I was visiting DD on the Mass. North Shore, in a rather affluent little suburb, if this back country mom may say so. While there I thoroughly enjoyed visiting assorted high end shoppes. That is a sport that does not exist up here in the back country! One of the things that I really liked that I saw was the metallic colored leather in so many of the handbags I saw. Now the babies I liked were running 300-500.00 a bag. And you know what visions like that do! Does the phrase "I can do that" ring a bell? So ever since then I have been driven to figure if I can give my very nice , albeit fake, faux leather the same colorful metallic treatment. And voila! I succeeded!

The pic above does not show at all the "metallic-ness" of the finishes but trust me, they glow and sparkle, all three. The far left sample used a Shiva paint stick, a product I have loved using for many years and have had very good luck with. DID NOT WORK! The paint has yet to dry and its been 4 days! It just kept smearing around on itself. So no Shiva, great little product that it is otherwise. The sample on the far right used a 99 cent acrylic metallic red paint that you can buy at any craft store. I have had good luck with this in the past doing permanent designs on fabrics, but no luck here. It dried pretty fast, but feels thick, like it will flake off, and just didn't cover like I wanted it to. So no acrylic paint! But Baby Bear, the third paint worked "juss' right"! It is a Jacquard fabric dye in a metallic red. I applied it with a stencil brush. It dried immediately and covered very nicely. It added no thickness or odd feel to the faux leather. And it would not rub off or come off with water. It was as if it was really dyed! So now I will proceed to use this technique, hopefully on the straps of my next bag, the one after the retro bag.

I just wanted to welcome Paula, one of those fabulous PR sewistas, to the blog roll. Check out what she is working on. Her well written blog is called Sew Confused and has been entered in in the Favorite Links on the right. Lata', Bunny


  1. Hey, Bunny. Thanks for visiting my blog. I found your link over at pattern review. I just finished reading all of the posts on your current page...very interesting. One thing I have not quite gotten together yet, since my return to sewing, is having handwork available to take with me. I need to get organized!

    I esepecially like your take on linings. I'm getting ready to make my first lined jacket - well, in the next couple of months anyway - so I'll keep your thoughts in mind.

  2. Just want to thank you Paula, for checking out the blog. Great to have you aboard and I will add your blog to my blog roll. Come back often. You never know what creative tangent I will take off on next!

  3. Bunny, you never know what I'll be up to next, either. I think for my handwork right now, I need to make some jewelry to go with a black and red top that I made...I have some super beads left over from a Christmas gifts I made for my daughters two years ago.

  4. I forgot to say earlier, thanks for that nice introduction to my blog that you posted. You flatter me!

    By the way, I would love to know the story behind you having been taught your hand sewing skills by Spanish nuns...

  5. My father was an engineer and we travelled a lot, but I always attended convent schools. From first grade to 9th grade it was always Carmelite nuns. We lived in Puerto Rico for 3 years and I had wonderful experience of attending school in a cloistered convent with nuns from Spain. It was an amazing experience I would not trade for anything. Every day we had our hand sewing time and the Sister Esperanza expected perfection but always with true kindness. These women were so kind and so talented with their sewing.

  6. Hi. I know this is a very old post, but I was searching to find a good paint for faux leather and your post was one of the first results. I am going to try the Baby Bear Paint (maybe in a bronze) on some grey faux leather H&M wedges that i love but the faux leather is starting to peel and I so not want the shoes to look cheap or get rid of them. Wish me luck!


  7. Hi there bunny!

    Ok so I've just been searching the internet for some advice and help with this. I know this is a very old thread so it would be greatly appreciated if you could give me any information. I have a faux leather jacket which i'm tying to customise for a party. i need to add a weaving pattern to the front of it. I have the stencils cut and ready to go but have no idea what kind/brand of paint to use for it. I normally use my angelus paints for leather but as this is faux i don't really want to use them. Do you know anything that won't run and will be of use.

    All the best

  8. The paint used is a Jacquard Fabric Dye in Metallic Red. I have also used Lumiere dyes. I think the Jacquard product is a little more penetrating but they are both pretty good.

  9. I want to make this purse another color. I wear only pink, so black, pink or silver are an option. Would the Jacquard paint you're talking about work?


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