Sewing Vloggers

Monday, May 19, 2008

Improved Trim Options

Amazing what a stroll around Joann's can do for ones creative juices. First I found white rattail which would make a smaller, smoother piping. Duh! Why didn't I think of that? I have actually used rattail for piping before, too! Another senile moment sets in. Then, after lots of searching, I found a small piece of that silvery organza in the red tag fabrics. Snatched that up for insurance! Then I came upon a tiny little trim that I think will work nicely as well, kind of little flowerettes (heirloom term). So I am rarin' to go. Tonite will be a sewing night, at least till I get punchy. I don't like to sew at night but you gotta do what you gotta do. So I am psyched.
ETA: My sewing friend, Nonie, asked if I always make samples. I pretty much do. I try out the tensions, needles, etc on just about all my ideas. I don't like sewing surprises. So pretty much everything gets a sample tried out, even just plain straight stitching on cotton. You have to see the differences in stitch length, etc...
Nonie also asked where I get my ideas. They just pop into my head. I dont' think I have any better explanation. I see one thing, whether fabric , trim, or whatever, and that jump starts something in my head and I go from there. It just happens.

This lovely lace is one of my favorites. It truly is just a film. It is so sheer and so special. I hope you like it.


  1. That lace is so pretty *sigh*

    Secret I learned from quilters who make tiny piping: brickies string.

    (Um, that's bricklayer, Aussies are notorious for using diminutives! It's the string they use to mark out where the courses of brick will go.)

    I buy it in 1000metre rolls from the hardware shop - it's very tightly woven, and has no little fraying fibres to get caught.

  2. What a fabulous idea, Caity! I will search that out when I go to the Depot this week. That is a big store where we have all the hardware 'stuff" in the US.

  3. I make samples too, for my art garments. Ideas always seem to pop in my head, too, and I don't have any better explanation than you. It's just there and I make it happen.

  4. That lace is just exquisite. What are you going to do with it? And I love what you're doing with the piped organza trim as well. Looking forward to seeing that dress.



Engaging commentary:

Close to being stumped with this one!

  Don't go shopping at quilt shops, even if they are the high end types like Quilted Threads of Henniker, NH. With tongue in cheek, I wi...