Sewing Vloggers

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I just recently got back home to NY and Paula has tagged me. Now, Lindsay has also suggested we just do this exercise, tagged or not. Since it seems like fun and a good way to get to know fellow blogistas, I am definitely playing the game.

What was I doing ten years ago?
Ten years ago I was doing interior design and selling furniture for a large home furnishings store. My children were in college and we were scraping together everything we could to keep them there. My sewing mostly consisted of suits and coats that I loved to tailor. That was my work uniform. I interspersed that with an occasional silk blouse, and some artsy type vests, bags, and jackets. My job was MORE than a 60 hour week and I found Nancy Zieman's 10-20-30 Minutes to Sew very inspiring. Most of my sewing was done in the extra half hour I carved out every morning before my official get up and get ready for work time.
What are the five things on my to do list today?

Well, I just got back home from Mass and NH visits and business and it's late so I will give you tomorrow's to do list. Tomorrow on my list are:
  1. Go thru mail and pay bills.
  2. Balance all checkbooks. I think there are five.
  3. Pay quarterly sales tax and go thru rest of bills and paperwork.
  4. Cut out two new bags and get them pleated.
  5. Go to town and buy two Knockout roses, two euonymous(es), some Thujas, if I can find them, and come home and plant them and mulch.
Snacks I enjoy:

Homemade cookies, spoonfuls of my homemade pesto, complete bags of Cheetos, and any fresh fruit

Things I would do if I were a millionaire:

This is assuming there were lots of millions, because I think today all us baby boomers could do with a million is pay off bills and put the rest toward retirement. So if it were millions:

  1. Establish a scholarship fund for all our family members with the requirement that a 2.5 cumm be maintained or lose it. No free ride here!
  2. Establish a beautification fund for our little village that would make it the envy of all around. It would create a lovely park and gardens, spruce up the town center and offices, and give money to keep the churches pretty.
  3. Establish a scholarship fund for the locals.
  4. Travel, travel, travel, starting with a private beach on Turks and Caicos and then following an itinerary that would include all the fabric stores I can shop in.
  5. Buy the best honkin' sewing machines I can find, including embroidery, serger, etc.
Places I have lived:

New Orleans, LA
Lafayette, LA

Lake Charles, LA

San Antonio, Texas

Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico

Acushnet, Mass.
New Bedford, Mass.
Manchester, NH
Weare, NH
Dickinson Center, New York

Work I have done:
Picked strawberries
Flipped burgers

Asst. to Art Director of Television station

Sewn my own designs for a boutique


Did design and sales for a ceramic tile company
Designed and sold custom window treatments Residential interior design
Commercial interior design

Sold Real Estate
Human Resource Mgr.
Sold furniture
Managed a trucking company

Can't wait to read some other memes out there in the sewing blogosphere!
I really don't know much about this lace other than it is about 3 inches wide and lovely.....Bunny


  1. I followed the path from your comment on my blog to your blog. What a nice post to land on. All kinds of info. about you! Looks like we have some common interests; sewing, gardening, and Caribbean beaches. The blouse you just completed is lovely. The organza ruffle and the embroidered trim really add a lot of depth and interest. I love looking at garments and discovering details like these, which reflect the unique taste and skills of the creator.

  2. Welcome back! Hope your trip was a good one, but I'm glad to see you posting again, I've missed your updates!

  3. Welcome aboard, Audrey. Thanks for the lovely comments on the blouse. I am going to try and get my review on PR tonite if all goes well. I hope you stop by often.

    Love your new picture Kristine. Thanks for checking in....Bunny

  4. It is nice to hear others meme's. You have had quite a varied work life!

  5. Hello Bunny

    I love your new blouse ! Someone has been busy ! ? :) Dana

  6. I never really thought about it but yes, it has been an interesting career. It always was design related with a couple of bumps along the way. The HR job was in reaction to being on my feet for years and an attempt at a sit down job. I got my certification and then watched my bum get wider! After three years it was back to the furniture store! Flipping burgers and picking strawberries were childhood jobs I got at the age of twelve. Big work ethic in my family! Managing the trucking company was the job I did for my husband at the same time I worked all the others. We just sold the business and Yippee! On to new challenges!

  7. Sooooo interesting, Bunny! Your blog is just delightfully different and i hope you keep it that way. Love the lace posts.


Engaging commentary:

Close to being stumped with this one!

  Don't go shopping at quilt shops, even if they are the high end types like Quilted Threads of Henniker, NH. With tongue in cheek, I wi...