Sewing Vloggers

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Good Egg

Miss Carly's dress is done. All that remains is sewing on the buttons and the stars. I am out of stars so no pics till I do a run into town. I did my usual cleaning of the sewing room that I do whenever I finish a garment, or two in the case of the sailor outfits. I'm talking on the hands and knees cleaning and some organizing. For some reason I find I have to do this before moving on to the next garment. I try to work on only two projects at a time, one machine, and one handwork. My brain has to mentally put away the completed project and have a clean spot ready to concentrate on the new one. I know, its anal. Its also not the way most creative people work but it works for me. When I am in the throws of garment construction the fabric and thread is flying and it is rather chaotic in my little studio. But before I start a new project I just have to have a clean slate, just my quirk.

But I was far from the only one working hard around here today. One of my chickens outdid herself, poor baby. All I can say is this must have taken some serious effort. Kind of reminds me of one of those sewing projects we feel like we "give birth" to. I will have to remember this poor chicken next time I get intensely involved in a difficult sewing project. Just remember the egg......Bunny


  1. I am with you on tidying before starting another sewing project! This has been a life-long habit of mine. I distinctly remember feeling a deep need to clean and organize my room before writing any major paper for school or studying for exams.

  2. I do the same thing between projects. Sometimes I wait to do the really deep stuff after five or six projects. It depends on my time limitations. Can't wait to get it clean after all these Easter outfits!
    Can't wait to see the matching dress!! The boy's suit is wonderful. I saw that in Sew Beautiful and yours is better!
    The egg is amazing!!

  3. LOL. That poor chicken!

    After a big project, I always like to put everything away (only to haul out some of the same beads and sequins the next day in some cases!), sweep and reorganize, too. It just put the note of finality on a project when all the tools/supplies are put away.

  4. Ha ha! That egg kind of reminds me of giving birth to my dd 18 years ago yesterday!! Or trying to, She ended up being a C-section. Seems like yesterday.
    Love the dress!


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