Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Thank you to all who commented on the GWS. Your kind words and encouragement mean more to me than you know and you are all so appreciated.

I must say a beautiful piece of linen can be so inspirational. It can be so easily crafted into something out of the ordinary and at the same time can make the simplest of garments elegant. If you haven't sewn with real linen yet, do yourself a favor and start. While it's a pisser to iron it is just wonderful to stitch. Linen can give you such timeless garments and therefore really worth your sewing efforts.

Kristine, I took your advice and entered the blouse in the Linen Contest on the Threads site. There is some very stiff competition there so I am not quite holding my breath here. It sure would be nice to have a new serger, though!

So now it is time for a light, simple quickie project.
I am going with View C on Butterick 5327. I picked up some rather neat 1.00 a yard fabric yesterday at JA's. It looks like Oxford cloth but drapes much more softly. The bolt end said cotton/rayon and I would say the ration was probably 90/10. It seemed like a really good bargain.

This pattern is made for knits. I am using a woven. I plan on having a neckline opening of some sort to make sure I can get it over my head. It is cut very wide and according to reviews on PR runs very large. I cut the extra small. So all two pieces were cut out tonight and I think it will take me very short focus to get this done. There is only a front and a back. I don't really look good in tunics but I will give this a try and know I will have to seriously adjust the length. But, we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

I will leave you tonight with some of my best "inspirations". This is the bulletin board in my sewing room. I made it when we did the room and quickly filled it up. It's a great place to quickly stick my hand needle of choice for some fast hand stitching while at the machine.....Bunny


  1. Bunny, I just caught up on the GWS and it is magnificent! I totally agree with you on the relaxed bubbly linen look. I have to say that it is much more comfortable than the starched linen look as well. I love all your details and am in awe, as always that you make such lovely things for yourself. I used to do that.....before kids. I need to do i again. Oh I pray you win the Threads competition!!

  2. Good luck in the Threads contest.

    I see my little Emily in the middle of all of those pictures.

  3. Glad to hear you threw your hat in the ring! I've got that top pattern, too, and was hoping to use a woven, so I'll be watching your project eagerly.

  4. Hello! I did exactly what you are planning. I haven't written up a review but thought I'd send you the link to my photos.


Engaging commentary:

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