Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Cranberry Dress is Complete!

I only wish I was able to get it done for Christmas, but it should fit her easily next year as well. Sophie is a willow of a child, very tall and slender for her age, not at all grandma's genes. She is dark skinned with big brown eyes and her momma thinks her best colors are maroons and dark reds. Momma picked out the fabric. I bought the coordinate. They are 100% cotton.

The pattern is Vogue 7593. It is a  2002 Theresa Layman design. The dress you see with the puff sleeves has only a flat front bodice and yoke. I worked out the design to accommodate the smocking. Only the pinafore and the sleeveless dress came with smocking. Since Sophie is so tall and thin I had to extend the bodice with the yoke and the back bodice and sleeves as well. Another change I made to the design was the use of a tailored back belt with two big red buttons instead of a big sash. My little girl is growing up and I think just may be beyond sash stage.

She is only 5 but so tall she seems older. Here you can see the back belt. The back bodice buttons are clear. I corded the buttonholes, something my machine does very easily. I decided that from now on all buttonholes will be corded. What a pretty difference that makes. Check out your machine manual to see how to use your feet do this. I have two different prongs on my buttonhole foot that holds the taught cord. For the cording I used matching embroidery floss, all six strands. Maybe I will do a little tute on that.

The bodice has a peter pan  collar edged with  Roberta Carr "Mystery Binding."  The contrasting yoke is piped. Below the yoke the skirt is smocked. As I often do, I started off working a design from a book, but before long changed  it to something more of my own. I was originally inspired by the "Potpouri plate and dress design from The Best of Australian Smocking and Embroidery.  

This design contained feather stitching, which to do  well takes a lot of concentration. Because the berries camouflaged the feather stitching, I decided to do waves and run ribbons thru them. I had never done that before and am pleased with the results. I also added some bullion buds as a motif in the center of the smocking.

The sleeves on this pattern are very puffed and could even bear a little reduction in the width. I also found that the cuff is v. wide. I just know I will have to take in the cuffs but will wait till Sophie tries it on.

The hem band was stitched to the bottom edge of the hem right sides together. The hem edge of the contrast was then serged, pinned to that stitching line on the wrong side and stitched in the ditch. I do this a lot on childrens clothing. It makes a stronger hem and still is nicely finished inside. It is close to invisible on the top side. 

All in all this really was a very basic puff sleeve bodice design and really fairly easy to execute. Just like we have tried and true patterns for ourselves, it is great to have a few TNTs  for children in the larder too. Vogue 7593 is definitely one of my go-to's  and is a well used pattern in this house....Bunny


  1. This dress is so pretty! Very well made with the smocking. Love it!

  2. The dress is absolutely gorgeous. You are so amazing.

  3. Amazing dress! I *love* the ribbon running through and the bullions at center. Wow!!!

  4. That's a beautiful dress, with your usual professional smocking and other touches. It's more grown-up than babyish. Gorgeous.

  5. Beautiful dress...what a professionl detail

  6. Beautiful dress, Bunny!
    And yes, please, do show how to do the corded buttonholes. I'm interested.

  7. What a beautiful dress! She will look lovely in it.I love the embroidery. The ribbon makes the embroidery stand out much more.

  8. Beautiful dress. I'm interested in a tute for the hem band. Sounds interesting.


  9. Yours is one of two blogs that when I see childrens clothing I don't click through because your work is worth looking at no matter who it's for. A truly gorgeous dress with remarkable details. Brava!
    I am not a peter pan collar kind of woman, but she shows that technique on other styles and it's got to go on my list of things to do. That is only one of the many reasons to buy her book, which I finally did this year.

  10. I love this dress and can't wait to make something like it for my granddaughter. Thank you for the collar review. Also, would it be possible to show a corded buttonhole by itself? I've never made one. Thank you. Gita

  11. Gorgeous, as always, Bunny! Thanks for the info on how you did the hem band...I'm going to try that technique.

  12. Simply breathtaking! I will be using your hem on a long mod dress waiting to be made for the hot summer months in Vegas - I am forever catching my heels in my long skirts.

  13. It turned out soooo pretty, Bunny! I am in awe of all the intricate changes you made before, during & after you started. Scares me to death...I have trouble following the pattern to the letter. ~insert rolled eyes~

    Please do make a tut on the corded buttonholes? I hate it when the frizzies poke through on plain ones & have taken to putting a line of Fray Stop along the stitches BEFORE I cut them open. It helps a little but I bet cording would be even nicer. I did corded scallops on some pink pants for Caroline once & it wasn't hard at all. :)

    Thank you for your wonderfully detailed descriptions.


  14. Your work is spectacular - lovely details. I've never tried smocking but you have inspired me. I, too sew for my granddaughters, but nothing so fine as what you have done.

  15. Another stunning dress, Bunny. Can't wait to try the mystery binding myelf. Thanks for all the tips!

  16. Another winner. Love it. I bet she loves it. Love corded buttonholes. And I also love the belt on the back. I love the look of a sash but it often spends more time untied and dragging than tied.

  17. Beautiful dress, bunny! I really like the fabrics and colors and the belt on the back really sets it off!

  18. Everything very beautifulll..kıss

  19. Just stunning. I remember when my daughter did not want the sashes and large bows anymore either. It was about the same age as your gd. She also started requesting invisible zippers at that age, too. LOL.

  20. That dress is gorgeous. I am sure she will absolutely feel like a princess wearing this. You are very talented. My compliments!

  21. When my parents lived in Jakarta they had access to women who made smocked dresses like this, and they were able to order tons of smocked dresses for all their granddaughters. Annie was always dressed in beautiful smocked outfits just like this one. Thank goodness for my parents, because I could never afford to pay retail for dresses like this. And I was too busy with babies and working to attempt to sew anything like this.

  22. Bunny - this is stunning as usual!


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