Sewing Vloggers

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Masthead

Ellie Inspired asked about the white shirt in the masthead banner above. She didn't remember seeing the posts. Ellie, I have decided to review all of the pieces in the masthead for you. They were chosen for the masthead because of the way they worked visually together, not because of any particular pride in those garments. I spent an evening going thru all my photos and trying all sorts of photos to get a good color balance and arrangement. There were infinite ways one could have lined these all up and I used Photoscape, which I love, to help me out. It is wonderful editing software that I highly recommend, much better than any other free offering out there, IMO. I used to have Photoshop but it got lost with a massive virus attack and the need to get a new computer. That happened at the same time we moved and the disc disappeared into that place where all things misplaced while moving go.
So, from left to right::
This is a felted wool bag from lavender cashmere. Wish I had more of that fabric now! It is embroidered with felted pieces for the stawberries and leaves. This was part of a bagapoluzza that I did for all my favorite females a few Christmases back. I made them each a very different bag and had the pleasure of knowing these gifts went to people who truly appreciated my efforts. We all know how that can go! The bag is hanging a little wonky, FWIW, but is straight.

This next effort became my Great White shirt which you can see in a lot more detail on the post here.
There are several posts regarding this blouse if you scroll back a bit. I love doing this type of work as well as love working on beautiful linen. If you have been following lately you know that each summer some sort of white garment gets made and this was last years effort. This blouse received an Honorable Mention in last years Threads magazine Summer Sewing contest. so I have my prouds on with this one.
This bag was also part of the Christmas bagapalooza. Stash story here: This wool was a pleated skirt I made in HIGH SCHOOL, yikes! Many years ago I took the skirt apart and saved the fabric as I thought it was a gorgeous piece of wool. It came from one of the many fabric outlet stores that existed in New Bedford, Mass at the time. Talk about  stashing! New Bedford was textile city when I was a teen and there were many back door mill stores where you could buy great  fabric cheap. Those were the shopping days, I tell ya! Anyway, I designed the applique, felted the wools, and used some faux leather for the corners. I really liked this bag.

I hope you enjoyed the tour of the masthead design. Thanks, Ellie Inspired for inspiring me to do this post.......Bunny


  1. Thanks so much Bunny for doing this!!!!! I was thrilled when I saw this on my dashboard this morning. I am going to go back and review all your posts about your beautiful blouse. It is simply TDF and I'm so happy for you that it was featured in Threads! It is certainly deserving of the honor. Thanks again for indulging me!

  2. I remembered the posts about the blouse, but I hadn't seen the bags. Love them!

  3. Gosh those pieces all so beautiful! I'll admit I never paid much attention to the banner but now I will look at everyone's. And you put so much thought to designing your banner. Such an artist you are :)

  4. The white shirt is so inspiring. Beautiful combination of style, fabric and workmanship.

  5. I still adore this blouse. It reminds me of so much of the heirloom stuff I get to work on. It's so gorgeous cause I know all the hard work that goes into to something like that...not only the hand work, but also the planning to make it all come out right. Gorgeous!

  6. Thanks for showcasing these items! I knew you made them but didn't know the stories behind them.

  7. I remember the posts about the blouse (how could I forget? It's one of my favorite pieces). Thank you for posting about the bags, they look terrific!


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