Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The winner of the fantastic prize package donated by Sew Beautiful Magazine is:

                                   bubbygigi !!!

Congratulations, bubbygigi! You are the proud winner of everything needed to make the gorgeous heirloom camisole featured in Sew Beautiful issue #132 and Blog Tour. Here is a list of your goodies:

• complete kit needed to make the Vintage Inspiration camisole, from sizes XS (2-4) to 3X (26-28). This includes Maline laces and Swiss beading and all needed for completion.
• a copy of Sleepwear Especially for You (contains the basic tank top pattern suggested in the instructions) (retail $24.95)
• a copy of the new issue of Sew Beautiful (contains the Vintage Inspiration article and embroidery and lace shaping templates) (retail $5.99)
• a June Tailor Heirloom Stitcher's Shape 'N Press board (retail $42.00), 

Shoot me an email, bubbygigi, to bunnypep at wildblue dot net and we will get this in the mail for you. 

A huge thank you to all who participated in the first ever Sew Beautiful Blog tour. May you all catch the excitement of sewing something heirloom. And if you haven't taken the tour or are just plain curious, click on the Blog Tour picture in the sidebar. Thanks again,,,,,Bunny


  1. Congrats to the winner! I could have sworn I entered this, but didn't see my name. Blogspot has really been giving me havoc this past week.
    I'm so glad they chose you to do this. You have so much to offer to the sewing world.

  2. Mega Ditto what Shirley said!!

    Congrats to bubbygigi! ♫ Lucky Dog ♫

  3. Bunny, I'm so thrilled with my winnings that I can't thank you and the Sew Beautiful people enough. I just got home from visiting with my grandchildren and saw the exciting message. When the package comes, I plan to stop all of my other projects and make this magnificent camisole. Wow! I still can't believe that I won this prize. Thank you again. Gita/bubbygigi


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