Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Simp 2771 Begins!

This is where we are today. The Wolf Jammie pattern, Simp 2771, is cut and the piping is made. For some reason I thought a black piping would look good. I got it all cut and decide the black was way too harsh. I dug and found this  grey and started my piping making over. I think this color is much better, kind of in sync with the furry feel of the wolves. The good news is I have enough of the wolf fabric left over to make Jack a pillow. His best friend, Dukey, has been with him since birth and will be leaving this world shortly. He is a golden lab and looks sort of  like one of the wolves. I thought Jack would really enjoy a pillow with Dukey on it. He is a very sensitive, sentimental little boy and we are all worried how he will take this loss. Dukey has slept at his feet most of Jack's life. He can't get up on the bed now. He is such a good sweet dog.


In the first three weeks of October we will have three different waves of house guests, moms, dads, children, great grand mother, daughters,,,,,,,etc. I am not sure how productive I will be at that time. I am tired already just thinking about it. But we love to have house guests and there is always time to recuperate after. Just hope my septic system can take it!!!...Bunny


  1. Bunny, you are wonderful as you think ahead of how Jack will react to Dukey's absence when the time comes. I am sure you will be there to support Jack through this. Hugs and kisses to all.

  2. Bunny, Not only do I learn about sewing from reading your blog, but I am reminded of my own spiritual journey as I read about your family life. Thank you for sharing such details with all of us. I hope I can pass on a little of my own experiences to others through my writing also.

  3. Cute jammies. What little boy wouldn't love them. Way to go Grandma.


Engaging commentary:

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