Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Remember my bout of bronchitis? It seemed nearly gone and then while visiting my daughters I got sicker and sicker. I now have pneumonia, no fun. The worst part was driving back home in a blizzard with chills, fever, and very bad cough. The next morning, yesterday, my fever was climbing and I went to the doctor where he gave me x rays, the diagnosis, and lots of meds. So for the moment I am making friends with my nebulizer instead of showing you my latest fabric purchases. I will return to blogging when I get my strength back, hopefully within a few days. Thanks for being here to listen to my moans and groans....Bunny


  1. God bless! Hope you're on the mend very soon.

  2. Do take it easy, get lots of rest, etc. We'll wait for you! It sounds like you had an awful trip home. Glad to hear that you made it safe and sound and are being well looked after.

  3. Oh, no, Bunny! I'm glad you got to the doctor when you did. Pneumonia wo't go away on it's own. So dangerous. Take care, rest. You'll probably sleep a lot. Sending healing vibes your way.

  4. Oh, that is no fun at all. Get lots of rest. I hope you feel better soon.

  5. Goodness, I certainly wish you a speedy and complete recovery!

  6. Oh dear! Bunny just sit back (or lay back) and take care of yourself. Get your health back.

  7. Get better and take good care of yourself! Pneumonia can make you feel sooo tired sometimes it seems like too much work to go to the dr. and take care of yourself. Love your blogs and have learned a great deal from you.

  8. I do hope you get better soon and can recover quickly with meds and rest!

  9. I am so sorry to hear that you are so sick!!! Please take care of yourself. That seems to be the way it is going around here, those I know, myself included, think they are better and then it slams you again!!! Hard to get over this thing that is going around!!!
    Take care

  10. Take care of yourself, Bunny!

  11. I pray for a quick recovery
    Rest and take care

  12. I am so sorry to hear this. Please take care of yourself.


  13. Please take care of yourself and get some good rest, we will see you back here soon.

  14. Oh Bunny, take good care of yourself and get well soon. I am praying for you!

  15. Hope you feel better soon, take care of yourself.

  16. Feel better soon, bunny. We'll be here waiting for you!

  17. Oh no! You poor thing. Take care.

  18. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself first, the fabrics can wait.

  19. Rest, rest, rest! DH dealt with that for a month after xmas, so I know how rotten you must feel! Get well soon, we'll be here whenever, don't hurry!

  20. You are on my prayer list. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care.

  21. Even though this is quite redundant, you can't have too many "get well wishes" so I'll add my own, Please get well soon! I love the Feb pants and am looking forward to the rest of the year.

  22. Bunny, I hope you are feeling so much better real soon.
    Take Care. Hugs......Lexie

  23. Had pneumonia last year about this time. Take your meds, rest more than you ever wanted to rest in your life and do not try to do too much, especially physical exertion. One thing I did that helped me breathe when in bed was to put a huge cardboard tube under the mattress on my side of the bed. The sturdy tube is 6 inches in diameter and raised my head and chest up enough that fluid did not build up too much. Asthma patients often know this trick. I also have a length of 4 inch PVC pipe that I use routinely. I used to use pillows to prop myself up, but they were never as effective as propping up the mattress.
    Get well.

  24. Get well soon Bunny, you are missed.


Engaging commentary:

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