Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

McGehee Tote Bag

This bag was very easy, particularly once I nixed the initial zipper instructions. It took little time to make. The fabrics are home dec prints I bought some time ago to make a different bag.
The pocket is trimmed with two strips of zipper tape from a separating jacket zipper. The bag is lined and the upper edge is a simple bias strip folded over and ditch stitched from the front with a 1.5 stitch. I use my edge stitching foot for that as it gives a really hidden ditch stitch. The one seam that wraps around the bag is piped with the plaid on the bias.
I have a nice collection of buckles, many mother of pearl, that I inherited from my great Aunt Yon. I decided to use a couple of them on the strap. The strap is simply some grosgrain with another bias strip of the plaid running along its length.
This simple little tote was just what the doctor ordered. It was easy, pretty, and Spring-y.

This could be TMI, but about 8 years ago I came very close to losing my life to status asthmaticus and sudden severe pneumonia. I learned a few things back then. One of the things I was taught was to meditate when I got those inevitable coughing jags that were my closest friend for nearly six months. While this pneumonia go round is not the same as that horrible episode, thank the Good Lord, I still have awful coughing jags and probably will for some time. I have found, despite feeling exhausted, that sitting at the machine and getting "in the zone" has the same effect. It seems to calm that reflex and helps my breathing a great deal. Who knew? I am now trying to think of another project, again something pretty simple that I can drop and go back to no problem. It may be a little nightgown for Carly or some jammies for Zak. One thing I can tell you. I won't be cutting into any felted wool any time soon!....Bunny


  1. Sewing for those of us who love it is calming and relaxing. Take care of yourself Bunny!


  2. Great to see you back Bunny but take it nice and slow with easy projects like the bag. Hope your recovery is speedy and complete!

  3. Ok, then I won't tell you to go to bed and rest. Personally I find sewing stressful and right up until I finish I find it so. Maybe I just need to sew more. Your bag is really cute. Enjoy your next project :)

  4. Get well soon, as soon as you are better ask for a pneumo 23 jab it helps people like you and me best thing i ever did .I am normally a lurker that admires your work and learns lots from you

  5. Sewing as meditation! I can see that. I am glad you are on the mend and hope you get better quickly.

    It's a cute bag. I don't blame you for wanting some simple, satisfying projects at the moment. The results are often just as pretty and just as useful anyway!

  6. What a cute little bag! It's a touch of spring. Love it! Hope you're feeling much better. Pneumonia is not to be taken lightly.

  7. Such a pretty and fresh bag.

    I hope you are feeling better.

  8. Love that zipper trim! I've got a lot of those zips and just saw a jacket in Patrones that was trimmed with zips like that.

  9. Hi Bunny, I hope that you are feeling a little better each day.
    Your bag is beautiful. I watched that same episode of America Sews. I did not care for the zipper installation technique as I thought it looked too factory made. Your bag looks much better.
    In the past 4 years I have had 3 major surgeries. I have used sewing as my therapy and reward each time.
    I really enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing your art with us.


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